• 3 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • If I can offer something…

    Those are not your embarrassment. My father confessed to his other daughter only as he was dying. She was 30 at the time - I was over 40. He had hidden her from us for all that time, disguising all of his time with her as business meetings.

    Before he died, my mom got to hold HIS first grandchild while she still had none. She held my stepsister blameless - all she had done was be born. And my mom cried at my father’s wake - they had a lot of years together, and some were good. But we’ve all moved on. It’s been 20 years since he died.

    My advice is to let the past stay in the past. It was, and reliving it won’t make it different. Be in the now and work towards your better future. I truly wish you peace on your journey. We all find it in the end.

  • You are performing a sleight of hand here by saying “Jesus” and shifting between which one you are saying is real. “Historical” is a statistical no brainer as I stated above. You then shift to equate that guy to the supernatural founder of Christianity.

    We (atheists and skeptics) securely say “Jesus the miracle worker and son of God” did not exist. The proof is not there. We fail to accept the proposal of a deity or reports of miracles. No faith involved.

    Others use faith to claim the opposite.

    It is bit like saying the garden of eden existed because DNA proved a mitochondrial Eve.

  • So…

    • A preacher lived around that time.
    • His name was ridiculously common.
    • He was baptized.
    • He was crucified.

    Notably NOT:

    • He was born of a Virgin.
    • He was the son of a supernatural deity.
    • He performed supernatural acts.
    • He was resurrected.

    To call this “Historical Jesus” is misleading at best. It is reasonable to say DOZENS of people fit that description.

    Let’s try the same argument today… “A preacher named John was baptized and later was convicted of serious crimes and sentenced by a judge.” How many fit this description? Isn’t it more likely true than false? What does that prove?

    This whole argument tries to equate mundane statistics with miracles. It adds nothing to any reasonable discussion outside of post-hoc theological justification.

  • I agree. But you wanted (insisted) on solutions. Thorough and complete genocide eliminates all opponents. Very few of my suggestions are desirable. Diversity with ignorance, inequality, and poverty breeds distrust and resentment - leading to civil strife. This is elementary.

    I think the resistance you are getting on this thread is due to an overly naive view of “solutions” combined with a bit of unintentionally arrogant phrasing. You seem to want to discuss at a high level while ignoring the complexity of the problems involved. You strike me as young and thoughtful, with good intentions - but still inexperienced. Ease back on the pressure - no one owes you an answer. This (and all anonymous forums back to Usenet) is a crowd of semi-hostile strangers with nothing to lose. If you want engagement you need to sell yourself as worth engaging first.