
Queer tiefling fire witch

  • 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: October 7th, 2023


  • Thanks for posting this. I’m a FE expert at a large company. I’ve spent a VERY long time getting to where I am, from nuanced meetings with $popular_framework lead to investigating and filing accessibility bugs against VoiceOver and Chrome.

    Good frontend work is HARD. It requires both design and engineering knowledge, and it’s very easy to write unmaintainable or inaccessible code. There’s a big difference between creating a form for a hobby project and creating a form used by thousands across the world. It also requires a high amount of backend work via BFFs, load balancing, hosting and serving, credential management, and so on. The cherry on top is that it’s basically all async code.

    Seeing backend elitists diminish its worth is tiring as all hell. To me, it indicates that the person is either new to the industry or trying to gain a sense of superiority for whatever reason. It’s meaningless and exhausting to read.

    Tldr: I agree

  • I’m a mod on a fairly large D&D homebrew discord (12.7k members). I agree that it does get difficult to track what’s going on as our server grows.

    We try our best to categorically organize our server in a way that facilitates dozens of discussions at once. It works pretty well, but no one is expected to be able to track all discussions at once, so we do rely on the users to ping the mods if needed.

    I personally have a few select channels favorited and check them pretty often. If a conversation is interesting I’ll join it. If I want to talk/ask about a specific thing I just ask on the respective channel. If I need specific information I’ll do a quick search or ask on the quick questions chat.