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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 1st, 2023


  • I think this could have been smelled in the water for a long while. Tim Cook was trusted to steer the rudder but his specialty is supply chain management, and I don’t think anyone can say he’s done a bad job.

    But. On the R&D side I don’t think people could say he’s done a great job.

    The ideas have dried up. When you go “safe” at CEO you make money, but you limit your ceiling, which, once again, with Apple is already breaking the mold.

    Consumer electronics is saturated. There is little to no breakthrough there anymore.

    Evolution is outside that, but outside that might not be in Tim Cook or Apple’s executive suite’s realm anymore.

  • If not, we can expect to see legal channels raising their prices again to cover the losses caused by piracy.

    And with the last paragraph the whole article loses its legitimacy as propaganda. I mean I should have expected as much considering the source, but I still wanted to see how well researched it was.

    No, this is a case where people are rebelling against a broken system, that didn’t need to be broken in it’s mostly recovered state.

    No, the general paying public shouldn’t shame pirates for their actions, they should shame the companies for their actions that have driven them to this. Companies aren’t your friends, they don’t care about you, they just want your money.

  • Netflix had it, lost it due to a more competitive landscape. Now they all have reached about peak saturation and are struggling to hit those massive numbers where people are doing it willingly, they they think they can strong arm people into it. Streaming is all about convenience. Can I sit on the couch and put on something relatively engaging for a few that seems relatively reasonable? Ya? Cool. The further you move away from that model the more people start to look elsewhere. Pirating has gotten a lot, and I mean a LOT easier, and that arm is only so strong.

  • The biggest reason I personally use and would recommend Unraid is it simplifies everything, specifically around docker.

    Deploying docker containers? There are community apps where people have set up scripts so all you have to do is fill in the blanks for your set up and bam, your container is deployed and running.

    Managing you can add your own items and fill in your own blanks, or change them and it’ll deploy and remove the old container.

    I’ve used portainer, compose, and looked into runtipi for docker management, and tried out windows server, Ubuntu, proxmox, truenas for HV/VE/OS, and while they all had bits I liked they all lacked something, and unraid had it all or a way to have it.

    The initial reason was ragged arrays for why I chose it ever the others, but now I like its simplicity, and don’t find myself wanting for more control over anything.