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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 6th, 2023


  • Selmafudd@lemmy.worldtoMemes@lemmy.mloof
    9 months ago

    My memory is a little fuzzy with dates but I’m pretty sure Napster was going full steam by '99 but even before that we used to trade mp3 files on mIRC or ICQ+CuteFTP, I had hundreds of albums I never paid for which I am still amazed I managed to do over a shared 56k connection

  • Selmafudd@lemmy.worldtoMemes@lemmy.mlVery misleading name
    9 months ago

    I came ridiculously close to blowing my hand off as a kid, the one kid in my circle of friends with the internet printed out a few copies on his dot matix printer… anyway one Saturday morning a group of us decided to try make a tennis ball bomb, it was just snapped off matchstick heads and the strikers stuffed through a small cut in a tennis ball and then tape the ball up. So pooled all out money together and go a dozen boxes of matches, tennis ball and a roll of duct tape and sat at a table in the park snapping off match heads. Once we made it we headed back to one of my mates flat and someone threw it up again a wall while the rest of us hid behind a wall looking over and… Nothing it hit the wall and bounced off and rolled around before stopping on the ground, we all waited and after a few minutes someone gave it another go with the same result, after about 10 attempts we were all out and just picking it up immediately off the ground and throwing it again. After about 15mins it just turned into a game of us throwing a ball against the wall and catching it before it hit the ground… Now I ran to catch the ball off someone else’s throw and i was about a foot off catching it when it exploded with a fucking boom, bits of tennis ball flying all over the place, you couldn’t see the shit but you could feel it hitting you on the way passed. Our reaction was fuck that was cool, let’s make another one…

  • Selmafudd@lemmy.worldtoMemes@lemmy.mlNa.
    9 months ago

    I’d actually forgotten about this until I saw the post, when I was about 12 or 13 I was on the bus home from the beach and about halfway a a few skaters got on with their girlfriends and I apparently was in a seat they wanted, they sat all around me and just started talking shit, I wasn’t really bother and was giving it back to them, one of the fucker was picking at his crusty knee and managed to pull of a massive scab and he threw it at me like a firsbee and the fucking thing hit and stuck right to my cheek. I flicked it off and stupidly thought I’d get a fair fight so rushed the kid and they all jumped me, bus driver just kept on his route without a care in the world… one of the girlfriends finally got them all off me and we continued a very awkward bus ride

  • I’ve been out of management for a while thank god but I did 11+ years as ops manager and every month we’d have a meeting to go over p&l reports which was full of budgets the owners set without any input, there was one item let just call wrap that we would use 300-700 rolls per month depending on how busy we were, they also wanted me to order minimum 1000 rolls at a time to hit discount break point. So this cost would only be on the report every 2 months right… easy to understand yet every fucking 2 months they’d be like went over budget by almost 100%… I’m like yeah, how much did we spend last month… oh fuck me it was zero, funny that. So after that they wanted one branch to do a single order each month for all 3 state branches, I’m like you’re gonna spend more on freight for no actual saving and they’re like don’t worry it’s in the budget… wtf.

    And that was just one line on the p&l out of hundreds, it was the same shit over and over again. Fucking labour costs in a 5 week pay cycle month was great too, like they just split the total labour budget by 12, allocated that to each month and called it a day… and just kept doing it every fucking year and then 2 months every year they’d be scratching their head trying to workout why it’s 15-20% over budget