• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 14th, 2023


  • TLDR: do memtest on your RAM

    I recently had an issue for quite some time where my computer would occasionally just hard crash. When it first started happening I tried many of the common tests including memcheck but found nothing. For a while it wasnt super common so I just lived through it. I thought it was an OS thing but it occurred on a different Linux distro and even on the ancient Windows 10 install I have but rarely use. I was just about to pull the trigger on replacing mobo and maybe even CPU+RAM. Before I did that I followed someone’s suggestion to do a mem test. I could have at least sworn that I already did that and it came clean but it was an easy enough test to run, so why not.

    Sure enough, found an error. I isolated the faulted DIMM, pulled it out and I haven’t had a crash since. Crazy since I’m all but certain I did both memtest from a Linux live iso and the Windows memory checking utility.

    In short, test your RAM. Do multiple passes. Maybe even just try swapping out single DIMMs and running on that for a reasonable ammount of time to see if you can isolate a culprit. It was my first thought when the issue first occurred because it’s usually what causes stuff like that. When the tests came up clean originally I assumed it had to be something else. I was wrong.

  • yeah, the clickbait title almost turned me off, but I did end up watching video. I’m not really into STT (or voice assistants in general), but the keyboard they are allegedly working on does sound pretty sweet and I would definitely be interested in that.

    Being that even if you go to their site https://futo.org there is no mention that I could see of this STT/voice input product, I wonder if I’ll ever be able to find out about said keyboard, should it actually release. For reference, the direct link to the voice input site is https://voiceinput.futo.org

    edit: I also wanted to add that I was unaware of the saved recordings thing, which is horrifying, yet unsurprising… makes me glad I don’t/didn’t use STT… I think… maybe I should go check…