• 2 Posts
Joined 8 months ago
Cake day: November 14th, 2023


  • If your using good 2fa auth. and generated passwords you probably OK. It wasn’t stated you had good measures in place. I was thinking more identity theft situation where someone could compromise your financials. If all they have is some medications, insurance, and basic info you really don’t have major concerns. Now if they have your DoB, Social Security, Address, etc then that’s where locking down all your accounts would be more appropriate. Your post sounded more severe than your reply here so that lead me to believe it was more dire.

  • They’ve had these systems since the 90’s. There’s a documentary about a guy that got caught from one of these its on Netflix. I forget the name. If I remember I will edit this. He went through an insane amount of court documents and files to uncover LE has been illegally using Stingray systems and other custom made devices in cars for decades. They pinpoint physical location down to the square foot.

    Edit: Avoid all networks but 5G if possible, use reputable VPN, VOIP. There are apps the send you notifications if your connected to insecure network types one on Fdroid is 5Gcell. The documentary is called Web of make believe: Death, lies, and the internet. Daniel rigmaiden is the guy who exposed the system. Highly recommend if you wanna learn to watch it.

  • Yea that’s it. I couldn’t remember what the options were and I was going to sleep. I’m back online and if you give me a few minutes I can do my best to help. Clear all the options you can and try running sudo apt get update. Sometimes where there’s an input output error it can also be a hardware issue such as a bad block on the drive preventing anything from writing to that block. Go to disks. Find your main drive and repair it, then check it the option above repair. After those two repeat the remove dependencies and duplicate/foreign packages. Finally sudo update. See it that helps.

  • I fixed this issue on mine and it took me a few tries, while I’m not currently on my PC you should be able to find some tab along the page you can change the mirrors and it says something like clear packages and there’s a few options on a small boxed list deal. Perhaps something like remove duplicate dependencies I really can’t remember the boxes so don’t quote me. You clear all of them that mention remove or clear. Change mirrors then Sudo update your APT then I switched back to the main Jammy is it? Worked for me. I could better help once I’m back to my computer. It happened to me a few weeks ago as well so my memory is hazy. If your still having trouble in 12 hours once I am able to get to my computer I will help you best I can.

  • This is called ephemeral messaging. A good feature of many apps. But doesn’t serve the same purpose for which I am asking. Thanks for mentioning another option other than the usual messenger apps. This is the description for others copied from a basic browser search.

    Keybase is a key directory that maps social media identities to encryption keys (including, but not limited to PGP keys) in a publicly auditable manner. Additionally it offers an end-to-end encrypted chat and cloud storage system, called Keybase Chat and the Keybase Filesystem respectively.

    Website here for those interested in reading about it -> https://keybase.io