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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 2nd, 2023


  • How tech savvy are we talking? I can troubleshoot the usual stuff on my pc, by googling. But I’m not a sysadmin and have 0 knowledge about how to set up or maintain a server.

    My group has been looking at TTRPGs for a while now. We used Owlbear Rodeo for one campaign, and started our current one on Roll20 without premium, but… It’s so unintuitive. An honest to goodness UI/UX nightmare. I can see the logic behind some of the choices but it’s so uncomfortable to use. We want something with a bit more functionality (character sheets and dice rolling at least, dynamic fog of war being a personal bonus as a DM).

  • How tech savvy are we talking? I can troubleshoot the usual stuff on my pc, by googling. But I’m not a sysadmin and have 0 knowledge about how to set up or maintain a server.

    My group has been looking at TTRPGs for a while now. We used Owlbear Rodeo for one campaign, and started our current one on Roll20 without premium, but… It’s so unintuitive. An honest to goodness UI/UX nightmare. I can see the logic behind some of the choices but it’s so uncomfortable to use. We want something with a bit more functionality (character sheets and dice rolling at least, dynamic fog of war being a personal bonus as a DM).

  • Replaying Dragon’s Dogma in prep for the new game. I had forgotten how much grind the game requires, honestly. I’ve been Mage 1-11, MArcher 6, Ranger 6, Sorc 30-40 or so, and my magic score is still low as hell. I’m purposefully delaying meeting the duke because I really want to give MArcher a try in the post-game, and it feels like I’ve already played for a long time but sheesh, levelling up is slow. I had never focused on building for stats, honestly. I know now though that most of your damage comes from your gear, so I might quit levelling Sorc when I reach 450 magic instead of the 600.

    Hope it’s a little faster in the second entry.

    Apart from that, trying the Nordic Souls modpack for Skyrim, and Helldivers 2.

  • Just finished Dune Messiah. It was good, but I liked the first one more. Feel like it could’ve been shorter, while at the same time I feel like I would’ve appreciated more info on how the jihad affected people outside Arrakeen.

    I’ll probably start on either Colour of Magic or Gardens of the Moon next.

  • Hey! Couple q’s regarding Foundry. I’m the DM of our group, and have a ton (and I mean a ton) of homebrew for the campaign we’re running atm. The homebrew spans changes to core mechanics (no damage rolls for example) to completely revamped classes, races, and backgrounds. How easy is it to homebrew on foundry? I’ve been eyeing it for a while because roll20 is so user unfriendly I was thinking of going back to Owlbear and manage everything through google sheets, or upgrading to paid VTTs.