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Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: September 24th, 2023


  • Yeah, not sure if we read the same article. It definitely uses media safe terms like allegedly, but only on actions that would be legal definitions of crimes. After that it refers to it as “the incident” (and not as “the alleged incident”). They never hedge around whether the attack happened, and the rest of the article even strongly takes the side of the family. I see nothing that makes it seem like the news agency likes or is siding with the ex-coach.

    I guess maybe taking all of the “allegedly” and “appears to” at face value you could get the impression of them being dodgy, but it’s just how they have to report it until facts are discovered in a trial. Actually, they even later quote the family’s attorney calling it a “horrific assault and battery”, no “allegedly” in sight, because it was a quote referencing what was being investigated.

  • This isn’t hating on raw food movement, this is like having a water main break and being advised to boil and/or filter water before drinking it.

    A lot of dairy cows are infected with a new virus. Raw/unpasteurized milk has a greater chance if transmission to those consuming it. Recommended to refrain from consuming raw milk until there is no longer such a high rate of infection…

  • Other comment made great points on MintOS and PopOS for beginning a Linux journey.

    SteamOS isn’t available for a full PC release (that I am aware of), but Bazzite was made to be a full-distro alternative to SteamOS. I haven’t tried it myself yet, but it has good reception from what I see.

    Linux Mint is very easy to pick up, though, and I highly recommend for someone coming from Windows. It is fully functional through GUI and has several different flavors for the desktop environment. I’m a fan of KDE, but Cinnemon was also very nice. A version of KDE Plasma is what SteamOS 3.0 uses. I’m not as big of a fan of GNOME, but a lot of people love it as a mor elegant, modern desktop environment.

  • It’s the dual-edged sword of making it more accessible now with a workaround, which disincentives developers from building with actual support in mind.

    So Proton is allowing more people to switch to Linux for gaming, which is good! However, instead of putting pressure on developers to make Linux versions of games and software they can just use Proton, so they will continue making only Windows versions, which is bad.

  • Linux Mint can be used almost entirely from GUI, so you should be able to install both Steam and Heroic through the software “store”.

    Here are two guides specific to installing Steam on Linux Mint.

    I don’t know what games you are playing, and I only used Mint for a short time before moving to other diatros, but I remember it being pretty plug-and-play for most things. I admit I was mostly playing through Steam and a few applications through Lutris (mostly FFXIV), using a Wine wrapper to use the official launcher.

    For Steam, the Steam launcher will handle most of the game-specific launchers for you. For Lutris, make sure you open Lutris and update it after installing it and before trying to add any games to it. I don’t have any experience with Heroic (or with Windows version of Epic Launcher either).