• 1 Post
Joined 6 months ago
Cake day: December 31st, 2023


  • Pal, any and every discussion about YouTube inevitably ends with it.

    I think eventually, banning of entire Google accounts isn’t out of the question. I didn’t believe this 5 yrs ago. Today, I think it’s quite possible. They have their 100 MILLION YTP subs.

    I seriously doubt banning the entirety of… non-conforming third party app users is something they would loose sleep over if it means stopping that in its tracks.

    I’m just spit balling here. But I still don’t see the pros of rubbing your thumb in their face with it, publicly.

    I know, API, Spoofing, Ect.

    I know. You’ve more faith in that than myself. To actually believe there isn’t anything they can do to go the extra mile and end it, seems extremely nieve imo. It’s just my opinion at the end of the day.

    Once you make a public mockery of them, and their name is synonymous with ___ then you’ll maybe get their full attention that we might not wish we’d receive in the end.

  • People really need to just stfu about a certain other app.

    If ya know, ya know. Otherwise stop advertising it you morons. Of course, it’s the internet and nobody can keep a secret but ffs why does every single gd post about YT have to be about ___ in the comment section.

    STFU about it!!

    When you mention YT and IMMEDIATELY bring THAT up publicly, you’re not helping anyone. Publicly shitting all over Google with it isn’t the brightest idea in the world. Good Lord, this is why we can’t have nice things…

  • Three yrs of security updates my ass. That is blatenly false.

    I love me some cheap Motorola phones but you’ll be getting 2 years of software support. You MIGHT get 2 OS updates. They’re not supporting their phones with security patches beyond 2 yrs. Ever.

    But if you’re keeping your Moto longer than two years you’ve got bigger problems. I know ppl do it, but if security is a concern you should know by now that Motorola is not a device for long term use.

    If security isn’t a concern, Rock On if your device is still running strong.

    No hate here.

  • I struggle to understand why in 2024 you are dieing on the hill of a headphone jack. It’s over. Let it go.

    There’s no argument you can make that will have any logic to it. There once was, but that time has passed, pal.

    I am 99 percent sure if a guy had a jack on his phone, yet were listening to stuffs via BT headphones and they died, he wouldn’t have a set of wired headphones on him.

    And if I just so happen to have some wired ones on me to offer him, he’d probably be like,

    “nah, thanks. I’ll just charge these for 15 mins and it’ll last another 3 hrs”

    Let it go…

  • And you can keep crying about phones not being the size of a box of tic tacs. Let’s see who’s argument plays out in the end. You’re not getting a damn 5 inch phone. Ever.

    Reply again with that nonsense, I’ll remind you of it again.

    Over and over and over. Because if you ppl wanna keep bringing it up, I’ll oblige and keep shooting you down because it’s absurd to limit a device to that size.

    If they offer the option, kewl. But guess what - they won’t.

  • No. You’re not getting a fucking tiny phone you can use your damn thumb to do everything with. Deal with it. Because that is fucking stupid.

    Want one hand operation? Too bad. They don’t make phones that cater to that dumb ass requirement. Because nobody wants to use their device like that. The screen size of a phone like that isn’t enjoyable to most people. Get it?

    These are multimedia hand held devices. Not a fucking pager. God forbid you have to use your other hand to use these things. The horror…

  • There is no convenience with a headphone jack in 2024. Let it go my god.

    Idk what phone you’re using but if BT is a drag on your every day life and your phone battery, holy shit you got bigger problems.

    This ain’t 2015 where BT was a battery hog and shitty connection issues. Times have changed. Hardware has changed. Software has changed. Your argument no longer holds any weight in a conversation about convenience.

    I have to charge my headphones for 25 mins for every 6 hrs of usage?? Reeeeeeee

  • So tired of this.

    You ppl are a minority. Nobody wants a fucking 5 inch phone. Friggin let it go, the industry moved on. Go cry to the ppl who wanted the headphone jack to hang around.

    Personally, I know zero people that want this IRL. They are all pumping their chest out about who’s got the bigger, nicer screen size. The very idea that most people want a “small phone” is absolutely not true.

    I do think folks that want them should have the option BUT THEY DON’T after YEARS of crying about it. It’s over. They are not catering to your desires.

    Let it go and get on with life. Fuck. You keep crying about it, and I’ll keep reminding you.

    It ain’t happening.