• 22 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 13th, 2023


  • Dealing with a heatwave in PA rn and I’ve been so sick from it. I’m very sensitive to heat. I’ve been doing all I can to cool off, but most days I just can’t regulate my body temperature naturally* . Almost passed out today when I was catching one of my ducks that escaped the pen. I’ve been getting my shirts wet and just wearing them like that and sleeping with ice packs in my bed. I have a chain of box fans that are my attempt to get the flow of air from the air conditioner around the house. My house holds heat in very well, but is hard AF to cool off and keep it cool.

  • LaunchesKayaks@lemmy.worldtoaww@lemmy.worldHappy good boy
    17 days ago

    My beagle is one of the fave patients at the vet I use. All the techs have to come see him when we are there and when I have them trim his nails, 3-4 techs take part just to give him attention the whole time. Only one person is needed for his nails, but he’s Mr popular lmao. If I ask him if he wants to go see the girls at the vet, he loses his mind. He absolutely loves it there.

  • Same here. Currently have a bunch of collections agencies calling me. Had to havey ankle put back together in November and I didn’t have the option to consolidate everything into one bill. I very quickly lost track of who the fuck I gotta pay at this point. I’m just going to pay them off one at a time until it’s gone. I can’t handle working with 10 different medical billing departments that work the same hours I do. I had to take an entire day off work when the bills first came in to get it figured out, and then a month later I got more for different things and I gave up. I just have a stack of bills that I’m going to be going through and paying what I can online then go from there. I’ve been actually trying to pay this shit, but idek what’s what. Life pro tip: don’t break your ankle as spectacularly as I did. It’s nothing but trouble

  • Thank you. I also own a flock of ducks, so I’m in a predicament. If a single bird of mine displays symptoms, I am prepared to take out the entire flock. It would be absolutely devastating to me, but I can’t risk it. I do everything I can to keep my flock healthy and protected. Hopefully H5N1 doesn’t spread to woodland critters, because I can’t keep those out of my property at night. Deer, possums, and a gang of 3 raccoons come into my yard every night to hang out