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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: July 29th, 2023


  • Interesting to see this news. About a week ago I had picked up the mail and we still receive mailings for a deceased relative. This means we often get correspondence for the older demographic. On that day, it was the Epoch Times. Looking ever so like a normal newspaper. Trying to look like a trusted medium to the older audience to whom it was addressed.

    I’ve known of them, but being dismissive had never scrutinized it. Having a rare opportunity before me I did so and was not terribly surprised. In summary: References to “woke” news everywhere else, all glory to supreme leader trump and covid was a hoax.

    Anyhow, I did have to take pause and admit the propaganda machine of the right is quite good at what it does. Millions of Americans getting this rag, reading it and nodding along. Is there an equivalent on the left? One that lies and deceives and reaches so many? I don’t really think so.

    What is the quote? ‘a lie is halfway round the world before the truth has got its boots on’.

    I am glad there are legal issues for them now, but the machine itself will keep grinding. Stay vigilant!

  • competition eating is not what is causing the inequality

    Please point to where I said it was the cause. So because it didn’t cause it, it’s perfectly fine to flaunt the inequality?

    watersports shouldn’t exist, anything televised is evil

    I’m just spitballing here using your example, but what if watersports were shown to drought-stricken audiences? And we know they are just down the street from the event. Is that alright?

    Yes, anything superfluous to basic life itself is the purest of evils. You can see I’ve obviously stated the very same. Plainly. /s

  • This might not be popular, but in my opinion the world absolutely does not need a “Major League Eating” organization or competitive eating contests.

    Competitive eating has no reasonable place when there is so much food insecurity around us. Even moreso when there are people going hungry within the same country as the competition. I’ll even wager there are people within a mile of it that would greatly appreciate one of the fifty hot dogs a competitor eats.

    In my limited view, it appears to me as an overt display in food gorging and over-consumption. Is this a skill to aspire to? Perhaps it had a place when showing the world how successful we were as a nation, but now it just seems gross as the optics (in my view) have changed.

    The rest of the world is competing by simply vying for food. Any food.


  • I am unsure as to why a progressive would ever vote Republican. Progressives cannot politically exist on their own in this two-party system. They have to adopt one party or the other. Since the Republican party is completely and absolutely opposed to anything a progressive would believe in, they adopted the one party that has a minor shot at enacting policies they adhere to. There is no doubt they would likely vote D all the way down the ballot in every election. It’s the only opportunity at policy progression they have. It has been this way for a while so this claim isn’t some new prediction or revelation.