Oh ok, then yea that’s a problem, any censorship that’s not directly related to liability issues should be nipped in the bud.
Oh ok, then yea that’s a problem, any censorship that’s not directly related to liability issues should be nipped in the bud.
Could be legal issues, if an llm tells you how to make meth but gets a step or two wrong and results in your death, might be a case for the family to sue.
But i also don’t know what all you mean when you say censorship.
Does it though? I can point to thousands of people that justice never came for.
I personally believe that when Christ returns, he’ll establish a fair equitable and just society here on earth, then resurrect everyone, inviting them to participate.
In that society justice will be served, but that’s not really hope for people suffering now.
Ohhh, ok i misunderstood then, mb thought you were saying it should be everyone’s
I mean there’s just as much variation with gin, and gin is my s tier liquor, but it’s not everyone’s. That’s my point.
Hard disagree with whiskey.
How you gonna say wine and coffee then be hyper specific with what liquor? Just say liquor.
Isn’t that basically the entire player base anyway?
Eh, probably for the best, everything I’ve heard about LoL is that it turns you into a toxic hateful shell of a human.
I see, my knowledge is surface deep so I admit this is new information to me.
Is there no way to ensure LLMs are safe for like kids to use as a tool for education? Or is it just inherently going to come with some risk of exploitation and we just have to do our best to educate students of that danger?
Yep, I was having a conversation with a guy that informs policy makers on ai, he had given a whole presentation to a school board meeting I went to a few nights ago.
He said that’s his highest recommendation when it comes to what should be done on the lawmaker side, pass bills that push for opening up those black boxes so we can ensure transparency.
Which came first the language or the game? Cause I’ve read a few headlines that confused me not realizing there was a language named rust.
I think most internet users are straight up smooth brained, i have to pull my wife’s hair to get her to not use my first name twice and the year we were married as a password and even then I only succeed 30% of the time, and she had the nerve to bitch and moan when her Walmart account got hacked, she’s just lucky she didn’t have the cc attached to it.
And she makes 3 times as much as I do, there is no helping people.
I feel like if Steam dies we’re in some kind of end of the world scenario anyway so there probably wouldn’t be time to game anymore.
Feeling bad that a scammer couldn’t scam hard enough is hilarious. Only in a Linux forum.
Bro, hell isnt in the bible, death is just death, a ton of verses describe it as ‘sleep’.