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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • It sets both the technical requirements and recommended best practices for determining the validity of methods used to authenticate digital identities online. Organizations that interact with the federal government online are required to be in compliance

    My argument is that if this document (and others) are requirements for companies shouldn’t there also be a more approachable document for people to use?

    Sure, have the jargon filled document that those in the know can access, but without an additional not so jargon-y document you’ve just added a barrier to change. Maybe just an abstract of the rule changes on the front page without the jargon?

    I don’t know, maybe it’s not a big deal to compliance officers but just seems to me (someone that isn’t a compliance officer) that obfuscating the required changes behind jargon and acronyms is going to slow adoption of the changes.

  • If you’re an original 2017 CAH Saves America subscriber and you want to increase the pressure on Elon, here’s a thing you can post on Twitter (the platform he wants you to call “X” for his own sexual gratification):

    In 2017, I paid Cards Against Humanity to protect a pristine plot of border land from Trump’s racist wall. But then an even richer, more racist billionaire—Elon Musk—stole my land and dumped his shit all over it. @ElonMusk owes me $100. #ElonOwesMe100Bucks www.ElonOwesYou100Dollars.com

    Or if you’re not a subscriber, but you still think Elon Musk is a charity-embezzling, conspiracy-peddling eugenicist manchild who trades horses for in-flight handjobs, post this:

    In 2017, 150k people paid Cards Against Humanity to protect a pristine plot of border land from Trump’s racist wall. But then an even richer, more racist billionaire—@ElonMusk—stole their land and dumped his shit all over it. Fuck that! www.ElonOwesYou100Dollars.com #ElonOwesMe100Bucks

  • I have a feeling that too many people are seeing a civil war through the lens of Hollywood - where you get to follow the hero and his/her ragtag group. They get into trouble, get hurt and knocked down but in the end they prevail and save the day/country. While there maybe blood and violence it’s never really too bad.

    What I think people don’t understand or want to think about is how fucking miserable a full blown civil war would be for most everyone. Sure the mega-rich will be able to wall off the worst of it, but the 99% are going to feel it and it would suck.

    So to all those people that are wishing for a civil war - fuck off. You will not be the Hollywood hero you think you will be, more than likely you will be one of 1,000’s of corpses littering the ground.

  • I remember watching this movie when I was around 12 years old. Had never heard of it before just started watching it and loved it. It’s It has become one of my top 3 favorite movies. It also introduced me to the world of the blues and some of the best blues musicians/singers.

    I remember buying the soundtrack on CD and playing it over and over again. I think I was the only pre-teen that knew of Cab Calloway and could sing “hi-de-ho” .

    wow, I was a weird kid