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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: August 12th, 2022

  • Neither is Israel. But even just the optics of the ICC ruling on Israel is good for the rest of the world to see. Honestly, same for the case of the USA. Most USA Presidents are textbook case war criminals. Only because their military operations help the USA itself geopolitically it does not make it generally ethnical. Most Americans in this perspective ate very biased. But the rest of the world sees it.

    Over 1 million Iraqis are dead because of Bush Jr. actions and their downstream, Obama ordered drone kills above any other previous President, many of those killing civilians, USA has destabilised dozens of governments over the course of the 20th century, Project Condor is a perfect example.

  • Most people into Privacy, either stumbled upon the niche or work(ed) in some IT or related field. Have tried talking to the family, they are in denial or do not care. Or think that using WhatsApp is a wise choice and/or they are immune to ads. Somehow. It’s like talking to a goat who has more desire for habit over sense.

    I remember playing with Google Now, thinking it ‘neat’ and then within seconds realizing that in order for it to work optimally meant giving Google everything. It got me to root my phone and removed Goople Play Services and/or different ROMs. Today, I do not use Google for anything or use front-ends with a VPN or if ever really needed, Tor.

    Organic maps or OSMAnd. Plus, I find these two better for cycling and hiking, over Gmaps. If you must use Gmaps briefly, then GMaps WV from F-Droid.

  • Do not know why you are being down voted, you are correct.

    I am thankful Mozilla exists because it provides some choice but if you have to changed the user.js --a non-trivial action for regular end users-- or use a fork like Librewolf, or Mullad Browser or even Tor to maximise Privacy that should mostly come available as an easy opt-in setting out of the box, it educates me that Mozilla is not the angel fanboys would like it to be.

    Also, their telemetry collection is not trivial either, even more so in their Nightly builds, which in fairness is sort of expected. Also, do not forget that FF has pushed XPIs to end users without their consent in the past.