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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 21st, 2023

  • A few years back my area got hit with a pretty bad storm, beat the previous flood record here by about a foot, that previous record was set about 85 years prior. Bad flood, but statistically not totally unprecedented, you often hear talk about 100 year floodplains, and so that was almost a textbook perfect illustration of that, if you normally only get a flood that bad about once a century we were just about due.

    Then the next year hurricane Ida hit, totally smashed that fresh new record by about 5 ft. It took them like a week to figure out exactly how bad the flooding actually was because it totally swamped all of the river gauges.

    NOAA’s website has a list of 42 historic crests of that creek going back to at least 1933. 29 of those crests have been since 2000, and 7 have been in just the last 5 years.

    Once upon a time in my area, ice was an industry, big blocks of ice would be cut out of nearby lakes in the winter, shipped out around the area, and stored to last through the year. There may even be a handful of older residents in our area who were alive when it was happening, and certainly a few who are old enough that their parents would have remembered it. We’re only about a century removed from that time.

    My friends’ dad used to tell stories about being able to ice state down the local Creek in the winter and being able to skate all the way from our town to one about 6 miles downstream.

    I have rarely seen any of the waterways in my area freeze over with even an inch of ice, certainly none of them freeze over thick enough that I’d be comfortable ice skating on them (I keep an eye on all of the ice conditions because I want to try ice fishing, been keeping an eye on it for a decade, haven’t had a chance yet. A lot of the local parks have posted regulations for ice fishing because it used to be a thing you could do around here) and absolutely not thick enough that you could cut a block of ice out of it.

    We also set a record last year for the longest recorded stretch without an inch of snow. Snow totals have been overall trending downwards for a while, over the last couple decades a lot of the local school districts have cut down on the amount of snow days they build into their calendars because they just weren’t using them. A small local ski slope near me has had to invest in new snow making equipment because they absolutely couldn’t count on getting real snow anymore, or necessarily even the temperatures being cold enough for their old equipment to work reliably

    Climate change should be pretty damn obvious to anyone in my area, and yet a whole lot of people around me refuse to see it.

  • I think you’re misreading the comment of the person you’re replying to here, it’s worded a little wonky and I don’t know if you picked up on a bit of a sarcastic tone there, I think you also may not be reading far enough into the history to really have a handle on the situation but frankly neither of you are doing a great job of explaining your positions so it’s a little hard to say what point either of you are trying to make

    Tl;dr of modern Afghan history:

    Around the 80s, Russia invaded Afghanistan and installed a socialist government

    The US backs Islamic militants, essentially the Taliban or the groups that eventually morph into them, to oust the Russian backed government,

    The Taliban also likes to style themselves as the Islamic emirate of Afghanistan

    Some power struggles ensue, by the 90s sometime the Taliban is in charge of the country

    9/11 happens, US invades, tries to set up their own government, pulls out, Taliban quickly takes back over

  • The impression I’ve always gotten (and I’m sure no political guru or social scientist or anything of the sort) isn’t so much that the country overall prefers the Taliban as much as most of them just don’t really give a rat’s ass about the country as a whole or who’s claiming to be in charge of it at any given time, they don’t have a strong sense of national identity, they care for more about their tribe or village than anything going on outside of it. American, Russian, Taliban, doesn’t really matter too much to them, when the guys with better guns roll into town, you pay them lip service until they go away then continue right on doing things more or less the same way you have for the last 2000 years.

    It does happen that the Taliban probably aligns with their traditional values more closely than the other people who have tried ruling it as a unified country over the years, but day-to-day, they’re still probably mostly only going to the Taliban when they need something from them and deferring to village elders or local warlords or whoever for everything else.

    There’s variation I’m sure, those in cities probably have a stronger sense of what a country is and what it has to offer in the modern world than those in rural areas, but it’s a largely rural country, almost 75% of them are living in rural areas and some of them are super rural where some of them have probably never even seen a city.

  • I understand that I come from a place of pretty significant privilege, but it is wild to me that when faced with these kinds of situations anyone is gambling on the kinds of medical care they might/might not be able to receive in these red states with restrictive abortion laws.

    I know that if any of my friends, even if we’re not particularly close, came to me and said they needed me to drive them halfway across the country for an abortion because they may not be able to get life-saving medical care in our state if something goes wrong, we’re going, right then and there, no questions asked, I’m calling out sick from work, running up my credit cards on gas and hotel rooms and whatever else we may need and we’re hitting the road, and if needed I won’t ever breathe a word of it to anyone.

    The fact that people are in a position where they feel like they can’t do that or don’t have people they think they can trust to do that for them is maddening.

  • I take part in a lot of outdoorsy activities, there’s kind of a split. Lots of conservation-minded folks like myself, and lots of assholes who don’t seem to realize or care that they won’t be able to go hunting, fishing, etc. if they develop over all the woodlands, poison the waterways, etc. and just want an excuse to shoot something or justify their much-larger-than-needed, lifted, coal-rolling truck.

    Also a fair amount of people who don’t feel particularly strongly either way.

    Sales of hunting/fishing licenses and such do end up funding a lot of conservation efforts, though arguably in a lot of cases the money doesn’t necessarily go where it’s most needed.

    The more conservation-minded folks tend to be quieter about their interests and don’t make it their whole personality, they’re usually not the ones posing with a deer or fish in their profile pic.

  • Politicians lie and use all kinds of weasely doublespeak bullshit all the damn time, it’s pretty much their signature move, everyone knows it, it’s been the punchline of countless jokes, no one likes it, but anyone with half a brain understands that it’s part of how the game is played and how you get the morons that make up a lot of this country excited to show up and vote for you.

    So why are Kamala and so many other democrats so bad at just doing that when it counts?

    How many undecided idiots does she think have fracking as their big tentpole issue, who are saying “gee, you know, I kind of agree with everything else she’s saying, but I don’t know if she agrees with me that fracking is the greatest thing since sliced bread, so I guess I’ll stay home on election day or maybe vote for the guy who’s skin looks like it was stained orange by fracking chemicals”

    Compared to how many people in her base who are strongly against fracking, and feel that by supporting it she is just plain not listening to them and who may choose to stay home on election day because they feel so alienated and hopeless about the state of politics in our country.

    How hard is it to just say nothing about these kinds of issues? Or if it’s something you absolutely have to comment on, why not just dance around it and say some vague bullshit about making fracking safe?

    Play the fucking game, and play it to win.

    I know she’s in the pockets of megacorporations that support fracking, her record speaks for itself for anyone with half a brain who cares to look into it, most people aren’t going to look into it though.

    I don’t support fracking, but I also know if Trump wins then it’s game over, and oil and gas companies might just start a fracking operation from my bedroom and dump their waste in my dog’s water bowl just because they can, and since we’ll be living in a fascist dictatorship hell scape, there’d be no clear path forward to do anything about it.

    If Harris wins, fracking stays more or less as it is now, and there’s a path forward, even if it’s a narrow one, to get a better candidate next time around.

    But like I said, a lot of people are idiots who refuse to see that bigger picture, they’ll see Harris doing shit like this and just lose interest and not show up on election day or throw their vote away to some third party because they think they’re making a stand.

  • Fondots@lemmy.worldtoBooks@lemmy.ml*Permanently Deleted*
    24 days ago

    I love treasure planet, and I hate that Disney sort of refuses to do anything with the property. I’m not clamoring for a remake or sequel or anything, I just want there to be more merchandise and such out there for it. The map would make for a great knickknack to display on my shelf (yes, they’re out there, and I may buy one someday)

    I went to Disney world for the first (and so far only) time a few months before the movie released, and I feel like someone who had some sway over park operations was excited for it to come out and was trying to drum up some hype, I remember there being some behind the scenes stuff on display somewhere and it had me excited to see it.

    And yeah, reading in another language is an interesting experience, like I said I’m far from fluent, so I have to stop a few times every page to look up some words, or cross-reference the English version to make sure I’m understanding a sentence properly (luckily it’s in the public domain so it’s easy to pull up on project Gutenberg) I think this was a good choice for me as a first book in Esperanto, it’s an easy enough reading level, I’m very familiar with the overall story so I have a general framework for what’s supposed to be happening but have no famiarity with the actual text, so imcant just coast by on having read the book before to fill in the gaps in my knowledge.

    And I’m just fluent enough to have the occasional opinion on whether I like how something was translated or not. The first time that happened was kind of cool, I figure it means that I am kind of getting the hang of the language if I have an opinion on something like that.

    Names are definitely interesting, I’m not sure which other languages have similar features to this, but in Esperanto nouns end with O and there’s various suffixes that might be added on for various reasons, so if you have a name that doesn’t end in an O some of that can get a little awkward. Sometimes names end up getting esperantized, other times they just let it be and you just kind of have to roll with it.

    Stop reading here if you don’t want a mini Esperanto lesson. I’d stop myself but I find writing this kind of thing out is helpful for my learning process.

    To kind of illustrate what I’m talking about, there’s the English saying that “Hurt people hurt people” meaning that people who have been hurt tend to hurt other people

    In Esperanto the sentence would be something like “Vunditaj homoj vundas homojn”

    You have the root words vund- having to deal with injuries (from the rame root as “wound”)

    And hom- meaning person (same root as the homo in homo sapiens, or the French “homme” for “man” for example)

    -o- makes it a noun

    -as is a present tense verb

    -j- makes it plural

    -a- in an adjective

    -it- shows that something has been done to something. “Vunda” would be “hurtful,” and “vundita” is “hurt” or “injured”

    -n indicates the direction of the action, so which person is the one being hurt and which one is doing the hurting, sentence structure is a little flexible in Esperanto so “homojn vundas vunditaj homoj” in essentially the same sentence as the original, it would probably be understood more like “people are hurt by hurt people,” and if you move the n around to make it “vunditajn homojn vundas homoj” it would be “hurt people are hurt by people”)

    So without those vowels at the end of nouns and adjectives, it gets hard to add the j, n, and other suffixes on

    And you can kind of play around with those and other suffixes. “Vundo” would be an injury, -e is adverbs, so “vunde” would be something like “hurtfully” or “injuriously,” “vundito” would be a person or thing that has been hurt, “homa” would be an adjective describing something as being human-like, “homas” would theoretically be a verb meaning something like “personing,” (which feels like it pulls from the same millennial slang dictionary as “adulting”) etc.

    In a way it’s almost like someone built a language after really enjoying the Calvin and Hobbes strip about how “verbing weirds language”

    Also, now that I’m thinking about it, “dolor-” might be more appropriate than “vund-” it’s sort of the difference of being “in pain” vs being “injured.” But that’s sort of in the realm of poetic license and word choice, and it’s kind of cool that I’m at the point where I can start thinking about that kind of thing. I’m too lazy to go back and change what I wrote so I’m leaving it as-is, it illustrates my point well enough.

  • I used to read a lot, but I lost my love of reading somewhere in high-school/college. Before then I always had a book going, often 2 or 3 at a time. My high school, however pushed reading really hard to the point that certain math classes even assigned books, which left me without enough time to read my own books and just kind of burned me out on reading and I’ve struggled to get back into it. I occasionally manage to get into it for a bit but inevitably fall off of it somewhere after a while.

    I started making my way through the dune books a couple years ago. I made it up to God emperor, and stalled out. I was enjoying, but it’s the kind of book I really need to really dedicate some time to reading through it. So that’s been on the back burner for a while. Probably need to restart it when I get back to it. Chunking my way through it a couple pages at a time on my downtime at work like I tend to do isn’t gonna cut it for this one.

    I had just started reading The Road before the pandemic, and that just had the wrong vibes for me at that time. Was really enjoying it until I suddenly couldn’t buy toilet paper, then it was all hitting a little too close to home. Haven’t picked that back up yet, but definitely intend to.

    I’m slowly working my way through an Esperanto translation of Treasure Island, I’m far from fluent, so that’s slow going but I’m making progress. I’ve seen and loved just about every adaptation of the book, the 1950 movie was a pretty important cornerstone of my childhood and started a lifelong love of pirates, but somehow I never read the book, so I’m killing 2 birds with 1 stone reading the book and working on my Esperanto.

    I’m starting to get into Warhammer 40k, so while I save up a bit to start buying and painting minis I’ve started reading some of the books. Decided to start with the Horus Heresy series. I’m currently on the second book, I’m probably not going to read all 60 or so books in this series because I can already tell there’s some definite quality differences between the different authors involved. This seems like it’s gonna be a good fit for me though, there’s a ton of 40k books so there’s always going to be something for me to have lined up as my next book, but they’re light enough reads that I’m not going to burn myself out on them.

  • Probably yes, and I don’t necessarily blame them, everyone has to blow off steam

    But the choice of language is worth considering

    Maybe I’m more politically correct than I like to give myself credit for, but I curse like a sailor, and I still don’t tend to call anyone a bitch, male or female. I’ll call them a asshole, moron, idiot, motherfucker, piece of shit, lazy, a fascist loofah-faced shit-gibbon, worthless low-down good-for-nothing greedy bastard, waste of space/oxygen/carbon, dirtbag, sleazeball, whiney, shit-head, coward, dumbass, creep, weirdo, pervert, dumb, two-faced, spineless, and countless other insults, they’re all on the table, and I’ll wish all kinds of unpleasantness on them up to and including death.

    But bitch (and also cunt) is kind of an inherently gendered insult. I don’t consider being a woman to be a bad thing, so I don’t use those words, even behind closed doors. Same way I don’t use slurs against LGBTQ people, different races and ethnicities, people with disabilities, etc. those don’t ring true to me as insults so I don’t use them as insults.

    And I think the fact he does use that kind of insult shows a lot about how he thinks.

  • When I left my old job, a lowly shipping/receiving guy in a warehouse, my job panicked and offered me a pretty significant raise if I stayed.

    After having been there about 5 years, I’d made myself somewhat indispensable, they kind of just kept piling responsibilities onto me, I absorbed a lot of a supervisors duties when he retired with no replacement hired for him, I had fairly minimal oversight and was mostly left to figure out how things worked on my own (which I didn’t really mind, it made the job more interesting and I was up to the task, but I definitely didn’t get paid nearly enough for the work I was doing) so I was pretty much the only one who knew how all of our shipping and receiving stuff worked.

    Along the way I wrangled myself a couple OK raises, but not really enough to bring me to a proper living wage. I had asked a couple of times about at least getting a promotion in title if nothing else so that I would have something more impressive on my resume that “warehouse associate” which I’m pretty sure was my job title the entire time I was there despite effectively being a supervisor.

    When they offered me more when I told them I was leaving, it pissed me off more than anything. If they’d just paid me that much from the get-go and kept on top of giving me decent raises to reflect the job I was doing there’s a good chance I’d still be working there now and never would have tried looking for another job. What they offered me wasn’t quite my starting salary at my new job but it was pretty close.

    I could have left them really high and dry and just left, but I didn’t want to screw over whoever was replacing me too badly, so I wrote down instructions for everything I could think of that was my responsibility because honestly no one else had the whole picture, a handful of people there could do parts of my job but a lot of it, like I said, was stuff I had to figure out on my own. All of the business cards I’d acquired for different shipping companies, vendors, etc. and I gave 3 weeks notice and attempted to pass on as much knowledge as possible to my likely temporary replacement before I left. Last I heard, they went through several replacements within a few months of me leaving.

  • I don’t know anything about the full send podcast, if it’s meant to be a serious interview, I think that’s kind of a bad look on him that he’d choose to recount it with a mild profanity like hell. I curse like a sailor on my own time, but in any situation where I’m acting as a representative of my job or acting in any sort of official capacity for any organization I’m a part of, or just trying to make a good, professional impression, my speech is squeaky clean and fit to be aired on PBS kids.

    Even if it’s meant to be a more light-hearted and humorous podcast, there’s a fine line to walk for people in the public eye and they need to be mindful of what sort of soundbites they’re making that could be taken out of context. That kind of shows a little lack of forethought about what he’s going to say and how it might be received by his audience, which isn’t exactly a desirable quality in a politician.

  • Honestly, even if it hit him 2-3 days later, it’d be kind of hard to pin it on the McDonald’s unless he ate all of his meals there that day or there was an outbreak of salmonella in the area and McDonalds was the common factor between the cases.

    He could have just as easily gotten it from his breakfast or dinner, and that may even be more likely. I won’t pretend for a moment that McDonald’s employees can be 100% trusted to follow their proper food handling procedures and such to the letter, but I’m certain that a corporate outfit like McDonald’s probably has so many guidelines in place and has idiot-proofed as much of their equipment as possible that it should be next-to impossible for them to be at fault even if half their rules end up getting ignored.

    There’s of course cases where things out of their control could happen, like they get a batch of lettuce that’s contaminated with salmonella from their supplier, but that’s the kind of thing that could happen at literally any restaurant, and there’s only so much you can do to mitigate that.

  • I think you kind of need to define a bit what fast food means and what you consider small.

    Following the McDonald’s model with a drive through, self-seating dining area, no table service, etc. those are mostly going to be chains, although some chains are pretty small, only operating in certain areas with a handful of locations.

    And there are exceptions of course, some independent restaurants do have a drive through (often I see this setup when they move into a location that was formerly a corporate fast food place) and there’s chains or locations that don’t have a drive through, or do have table service, etc. but those tend to be exceptions rather than the rule.

    If you expand it a bit to include other small, no-frills restaurants with a heavy emphasis on fast service and take-out, there’s a lot of places that could fit the bill. Pretty much every town has some little hole in the wall burger joint, deli, sandwich shop, taqueria, Chinese takeout, pizzeria, bodega, snack bar, etc. that you could potentially argue fits the fast food category.

    Most of those places probably don’t exactly advertise themselves as fast food and would probably want to avoid that label (although to be fair, the same can probably be said for most fast food restaurants, I’ve never heard a McDonald’s commercial call themselves “fast food”)

    There’s also going to be some overlap with other categories, fast-casual, convenience stores, etc. where the lines get blurred about what can be considered “fast food.”

    In general though, in America, the term “fast food” is usually going to refer to the larger chains, and the smaller independent restaurants with otherwise similar service will be called something else.

  • I currently live in an HOA townhome neighborhood, and I’ll be the first to say that I’d abolish it if I could

    That said, mine isn’t too bad.

    They have some nitpicky bullshit, doors have to be painted a certain color, trash cans have to be out of sight from the front of your house, we can’t have hot tubs, fire pits, or tiki torches, etc.

    But they do handle the lawn mowing, snow removal, trash service, have a playground in the neighborhood, and do the roofing and siding for the homes every X years (I forget exactly how often off the top of my head.) and they require you to get your fire place inspected every year if you’re going to use it, which I appreciate since I’m connected to my neighbors houses.

    Now as far as I’m concerned, my lawn is the size of a postage stamp, I could practically mow it with a weed wacker (which I own because the landscapers do a shitty job around my deck) and I’m perfectly happy to shovel out the 2 parking spaces in front of my house and my like 20ft of sidewalks and front walkway. I also think trash pickup should be on the city government paid for by my taxes, but alas, that’s not the case in my town and residents have to figure out trash service by themselves. And I don’t give a rats ass if there’s a playground in my neighborhood, there’s a perfectly fine park about a 5 minute walk away. And for what I pay in HOA dues I could just save up for my own roofing and siding instead and probably get better and longer-lasting stuff.