Naked men from space? So like hot aliens or…?
What’s infuriating to me is that my mother seems to think my never-in-the-closet daughter can just go into the closet and, as she put it, “obey the rules” and she’ll be fine. No she fucking won’t. The internet is forever. She hasn’t kept being queer a secret because she’s never been ashamed of it and she shouldn’t be.
Even if I thought she’d be fine if she just did that, it’s not fair to her. It’s not right to keep her from love.
What a lot of people are either too young to know or don’t remember is that it was wasn’t fully legal to be queer in the U.S. until 2003.
Meanwhile, we have current SCOTUS justices saying we should revisit the marriage issue.
Yep. They just waited for the U.S. election to end.
Gotta get that baby ready for college.
Oh goodie, this again. I have to do this at least once a day on Lemmy now.
I am moving to the UK, because I am a dual citizen.
Every year, the king gives a speech where he lays out the government’s agenda.
This year, it included ending conversion therapy.
Labour is behind it. The king is behind it. The C of E is behind it. Because the C of E is behind it, even enough Tories are behind it that will happen.
You and all of the other people claiming that my daughter is just as safe in a country with a lot of conversion therapy as she is in a country outlawing conversion therapy don’t know what the fuck you’re talking about.
This may come as a shock to you, it certainly doesn’t seem to occur to all the other people like you since Wednesday, but I actually do look into shit when it comes to keeping my family safe. Because I may be an idiot, but I’m not fucking stupid.
Bye. I’ll be over on the other side of the Atlantic where they’re outlawing conversion therapy.
Strangely, your “it won’t be so bad, we’re learning” argument doesn’t convince me my queer child will be safe in Trump’s America.
Not even a little.
Not when Trump’s biggest supporters are already calling for trans genocide. The rest of queer America won’t be far behind. But you go ahead and tell them “it won’t be so bad” as they’re getting marched into boxcars. I’m sure they will feel much better about it.
There’s a novel by Sinclair Lewis. You should read it.
Like I said, we’re not sticking around to find out.
but we’re trying to learn
I haven’t seen much evidence of that. Quite the opposite, in fact.
Again, for your sake, I hope you’re right.
We’re all Americans at the end of the day
Yes, that’s what I’m afraid of.
For your sake, I hope you’re right. We’re not sticking around to find out.
Let me put it this way: he doesn’t give a shit and neither do most of the rest of the Republican party.
Thune’s a rare exception.
Christ, I warned them and warned them.
Too bad, NR. You broke it, you bought it.
This is a recognition that Trump realizes he can’t just do whatever he wants.
For now.
(I kind of like them?)
while opponent Sen. John Thune criticized it as a violation of the separation of powers.
Oh you sweet summer child, you still think Trump gives a shit about such things.
In my case, there are always tentacles involved.
It’s you non-cephalopods that have the weird sex.
NSFO porn
And yeah, I do have a big hectocotylus. Thanks for asking.