Dun & Bradstreet
Dun & Bradstreet
“Legally”. Remember what he can do while in the process of “official acts”.
I pledge a chicken in every mosh pit
Oh there would be plenty of strokes, I’ll grant you that.
Makes me want to turn to a life of crime.
Nelson Mandela died because of the Smiths
My cats are in a constant state of amazement: “Wow! Wow!”
That’s a bit like emptying the sewer into the street
Same. Luckily you can add his name to the block list.
Gotta pay for those skyrocketing AI server bills somehow
Man, that’s some shit.
Looks more like andrew Taint to me.
“Lumber for record bins”
Yeah, I really need to get on that project.
How can people live like this? Calling it nasty would be a compliment.
If the original SeaLab tests in the 60s were any indication, YES. Check out Scott Carpenter’s voice on this recording with LBJ. https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x3wkh6s
A riDICulous amount of suction.
This guy spends FAR too much time sniffing his own farts.
I’m guessing they unlocked his Tesla account, not the actual vehicle. Because there’s no way that thing was functional in any way.
Ahh but that’s why they sell you life insurance, so you won’t kill yourself and the family can use the payout to pay off your medical debt. Maybe. Ain’t capitalism grand?
Having lived at both ends of the spectrum, I would gladly go back to being broke and free. The family, not so much.