• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 2nd, 2023


  • This works for situations where exact positioning isn’t too important. When want to have AoE spells, move speed, flanking, and battlefield control, it generally because difficult to ensure that the GM and the players have the same picture of the battlefield. Even just drawing it out roughly can help a lot, but pure theatre of the mind really works best when you only care about distance rather than relative positioning and complex battlefield conditions.

  • Eagle0600@yiffit.nettoRPGMemes @ttrpg.networkTasha's alignment
    5 months ago

    Nah. Evil is where the harm your actions do to other people doesn’t stop you from doing it. Neutral is where you wouldn’t put yourself especially at risk or especially out of your way to help others, but you wouldn’t hurt them either, even if it benefited you. Obviously there’s a spectrum there, most neutral people would do harm to others if they had a gun to their head. Enjoying the harm you do unto others is sadism, which is separate from alignment. A good or neutral person can be a sadist, but their morality will prevent them from hurting others even if they enjoy it. In short, sadism provides a motive (of which there are many others), alignment provides the restriction or lack thereof.

    Tl;dr if order a village slaughtered to take all their stuff, I don’t care how dispassionate or purely self-interested you are, you’re evil. If you murder people because you’re paid to, and don’t much care about the details, you’re evil.

  • Eagle0600@yiffit.nettoRPGMemes @ttrpg.networkdamn it...
    9 months ago

    I mainly GM Adventure Paths, so it’s a bit different, but typically aim to prepare up to a whole book in advance. Which really is overkill, but it does mean that I’m never in a rush or panic over it, and lets me devote extra prep time to whatever I feel deserves it.

  • Play a Pathfinder 1e Unchained Monk, pick up Breaking-Down Koan, flavour your koans as devastating puns, and you can spend ki points on puns.

    You can also pick up the other koan powers, but I think Breaking-Down Koan fits best.

    Text reproduced for the curious:

    Breaking-Down Koan (Su): A monk with this ability can spend 1 ki point as a swift action to present a paradox, riddle, or complicated question to a creature within 30 feet. The creature must succeed at a Will save (DC = 10 + 1/2 the monk’s level + his Wisdom modifier) or be confused for 1 round. This is a mind-affecting, language-dependent effect. A monk must be at least 8th level before selecting this ki power.