They’re taking over! Jack seems to be a popular name for brown tabbies.
Why does that thumb have a face on it???
Resting cat face doesn’t necessarily look angry, though. My guys both have the “there’s not a thought in this head” variation of resting cat face–one largely fits that assessment but the other would be an evil genius if we’re assigning human traits.
That’s one stern looking kitty. I love Sencha’s colors!
That’s such cat-like behavior. My guys do the same thing, hissing at each other one minute and acting completely snuggly with each other the next. I’d kill to be able to know what was going through their little walnut brains.
She’s trained you well. I’d be a little frightened if our little fuzzballs had opposable thumbs as that’d be one step closer to them being able to take over the world entirely.
Looks like a bullseye to me.
I was lamenting the lack of an NFL community here but no way in hell I’m joining a Dallas Cowboys community regardless of how much discussion it generates. 😆
The cat invited the mice to hang out on his cat bed. What more do you expect??