• 10 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 20th, 2023


  • Whenever I hear this argument

    “Most people are not interesting enough to profile, so they don’t need this XYZ privacy tool…”

    I always have this ready as a counter argument

    "Only a stupid person would not care about pickpockets just because his wallet does not have much cash - a pickpocket will not ask you how much cash you have before picking your wallet, and even if your wallet turns up to be empty, the pickpocket is not going to be a gentleman and return that to you.

    Tracking/profiling for Ads on the internet happen en masse; you are just one of a million data points that build a profile - it doesn’t care whether you as an individual are interesting or not".

  • Thanks! Appreciate the response.

    I guess I should have mentioned in my original post that when I say “exit node”, I specifically mean multi-hop. My bad.

    But even for Single hop as well, the world sees that VPN IP as my IP (although they probably don’t know it’s “me”), but

    (a) Can my ISP map me with that VPN IP (“my” IP to the world’s eyes) and

    (b) Can my ISP see the traffic that’s going out of that VPN IP ? My guess is no, unless that VPN server also uses the same ISP as me (but I’m dumb so feel free to correct me)