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Cake day: July 23rd, 2023

  • Think about it this way. In 1960, minimum wage was $1.00/hour and the average home was $11,000.00 In 1968, when Richard Nixon took office, ‘middle class’ meant one Union job supporting a family of four. By the time Bush Se. left office in 1992 “middle class” was two college jobs to support the household.

  • Iran has WMDs and so does Israel. As much as Iran loves to talk about destroying Israel [and vice versa] both sides are aware that they aren’t going to survive a full on war. Look at the Cuban Missile Crisis. Russia felt they had to put weapons in Cuba, even though they knew that if they were found the US would take action. Back in the day they called it ‘Brinksmanship,’ a variation of ‘statesmanship.’ A ‘brinksman’ was a leader/diplomat who could bring his country to the edge of war without going over the edge.

    You can trust Harris or Biden to have some cooler heads in the War Room. Trump listens to no one and acts like a child.