The last few Amber alerts I’ve gotten required an app Formerly known as Twitter account to get any additional details…
The last few Amber alerts I’ve gotten required an app Formerly known as Twitter account to get any additional details…
Yeah, I just never have the time to get around to it. I use it plugged into my projector most of the time anyway.
Mine failed a couple of months into owning the 512gb original model. Only holds about a couple of minutes of charge when it isn’t plugged in.
That’s what happens when you have an economic system built to reward greedy sociopaths.
Suicide Arsonist at best.
From the pics I’ve seen, there is a bed liner, but nothing that would keep fumes at bay, like a compartment divider, was in place.
It’s a cyber truck, the two share the same space, I believe
Hey, that Tardigrade is doing his best, okay!
I’ve heard that done Tesla models have laminate glass on the doors, like they make the windshield, making most glass breakers ineffective.
That’s a huge assumption that he was ever there mentally.
It’s perfectly okay to have sympathy for those who have no means of escape.
That’s not who was expressing their desire to stay due to some belief that their deity has a duty to protect them.
Not heartless at all. If anything, they’re respecting the religious freedoms of these suicidal-death-cult members.
It might be valid, but there’s no way McD’s was harmed. Their customers sure got that price fixing damage passed onto them, though.
Before YouTube’s switch to “your going to watch 6 ads before the video starts, and you are going to like it,” schtick, I always enjoyed getting to skip the ad before they managed to tell me what the product even was.
At the rate these political hacks are going, students won’t be able to parse modern text.
Then there needs to be a copyright ownership agreement between the artist in the article and the artists’ whose work was used to train the AI…
I think the running conspiracy is that the platform is a psyop to get idiots to try doing idiotic things they wouldn’t otherwise get exposed to.
From what I’ve heard, the Chinese version of the app’s recommendations algorithm leans towards educational content instead of topics literally trying to tear at the seams of modern society.
Doesn’t that exceed political donation caps to PACs?
The limit for contributions by individuals and nonmulticandidate PACs to national party committees has risen to $41,300, while the limit for individual and nonmulticandidate PAC contributions to each of the additional national party committee accounts has increased to $123,900 per year.
I haven’t been able to play much lately due to work, but I did manage to squeeze in some time to 100% Digseum.
I’ve loved the little genre of 'dig up buried artifacts ’ since it was a mini game back in Pokemon Diamond & Pearl, so it was nice to see again.