• 7 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 13th, 2023


  • It is currently singleplayer vs bots and the scenarios are admittedly limited. However, again, single dev (at the moment). Multiplayer is on the roadmap far in the future and will likely not really be pvp as that introduces challenges for balancing.

    For now though, the designer is very free in what it lets you do for the most part and has a lot of options.

    If you’re on the fence, I would recommend looking up some videos on youtube that showcase the game’s capabilities. Make sure to pick a decently recent one (ergo past half year or so).

  • While it does indeed kind of smell like an ad, keep in mind this is not some triple-A bullshit. It’s made by a single dev and has a heavily involved community on reddit and discord where competitions are hosted and suggestions are made. Regardless of tankies reputation, that kind of behaviour is not tolerated in either of those communities. I’ve been playing it on and off and have over 500 hours into it by now. It is a very niche game, but for those that like tanks and military games in general, it is a real gem.

  • I too love emotional games. Here are my personal favourites. Some of these have been recommended by others but idc:

    What Remains of Edith Finch - as Edith Finch, you go back to the house you grew up in and explore your family’s history. The Finch family have had much misfortune, and many did not grow old. As you explore the house room by room, you see that person’s last moments. I cannot recommend this game enough. It’s only 2 hours long and best enjoyed in a single sitting.

    Life is Strange - you (Max) have recently returned to the town you grew up in for a prestigious art programme at the Blackwell Academy. One day, you discover you have suddenly gained the ability to rewind time. In this game, you explore your powers and reunite with your old childhood friend, Chloe. Don’t worry too much about the superpower thing, it’s without any Marvel BS.

    Detroit: Become Human - in this game, you explore a world where robots are servants to humans from the POV of three robots. There are three stories that you follow that do meet each-other at some points. Not all stories are equally exciting, but two of the three are pretty great imo. It really makes you think about what it means to be human.

    Kentucky Route Zero - this is an odd duck that you may enjoy as well. You start as Conway, an old man driving for an antiques shop doing his last delivery, as the shop will close down soon. As you try to find your way, a gas station attendant gives you cryptic directions to Highway Zero. As Conway and several other characters, you explore the surrealist world beneath Kentucky. It’s a game filled with mystery, grief, loss, and being lost. This game is more like a strange dream rather than a videogame, and is therefore best played in the later hours of the day.

    I hope there are some interesting picks here for you. Enjoy!

  • Absolute favourite game soundtrack? Frostpunk’s OST. The soundtrack really brings home the desperation and harshness of survival in the cold. When the storm is coming and the music swells up… goosebumps. Every single time.

    Divinity 2: Original Sin has a great soundtrack too. Kinda surprised I couldn’t find it in the comments. Minecraft as well. It’s very soothing and calming.

    Aside from that, some smaller titles with great music: GRIS, What Remains of Edith Finch, and FAR: Lone Sails.

  • Sadly, it’s not just the US. A whole generation of students here in The Netherlands were made to take loans. They did change it back, but it was in place for 7/8 years. And, as a cherry on top, there was no interest initially. Then a small (~0.5%) interest was added, and now a few days ago they announced that the interest would be five-folded. It sounds too American to be happening here, but sadly it is the truth.

  • While I recognize it’s not for everyone, online D&D can be just as fun as in person. I’ve been playing twice a week with my group that I’ve been playing with for almost two years. Of course, not every group you get into is immediately the right fit, I think I got quite lucky as it was my third group I got into.

    There are various websites to play. Personally, I use Roll20. While I recognize it has flaws, it is still pretty decent overall, and a free account gives you all the necessary functionality to play. Even GM’s can just use a free account if they manage their resources well.