Probably the ones that do subscribe are much less price sensitive.
Probably the ones that do subscribe are much less price sensitive.
Pooping shouldn’t be a drawn-out process. You’re better off keeping your toilet time to less than 10 to 15 minutes, says Gregory Thorkelson, M.D., a psychiatrist in the department of gastroenterology, hepatology, and nutrition at the University of Pittsburgh.
In fact, you should only make your way to the bathroom when the urge hits.
If the urge to poop isn’t there, you might be tempted to push or strain to try to get the job done.
And all that straining could lead to the development of hemorrhoids—bulging blood vessels around your anus that can become swollen and painful or even bleed.
Probably referring to the fact that the following text is in English (as opposed to German).
From my cursory look at the APK this looks to be complete misinformation. The app has no permissions beside accessing the Internet and reading some basic device status information. It is not a system app either, so it cannot elevate its privileges beyond that. Therefore it can already do less than most other Google apps you have on your phone.
There’s one main service that’s exposed: the ClassificationApiService. Further, a machine learning library included - most likely for local/offline inference. And that all makes sense if you read what Google has to say about the app:
Now all that said, Google should definitely communicate the intent of these applications better, and not silently install some suspicious looking app without consent. But if Google wanted more data from you - most of the time they can just ask you to share it - Where do you store your contacts? How do you share files with your other devices?
In any case I do think that this sort of client side scanning is still concerning, since it’s now just one step away from forwarding images that trigger the classification service to law enforcement.