Creator of LULs (a script which helps links to point to your instance)

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  • 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 29th, 2023


  • A repetition of the truth is always valuable. Not everyone fully understands how broken our society is. Even if just 0.1% read the comment and understand something new, it was valuable. Even if it’s just a reminder, it was valuable.

    On the other hand, your comment is not valuable 100% of the time. Complaining about something generally true being there, which you could just ignore if you already know it, is absolutely useless. In fact, it’s even negative value, because if your complaint was followed and someone came to the thread without the knowledge, they’d be denied an opportunity to learn.

  • But the thing is, we don’t need to develop products. New products are just further resource usage, more greenhouse gasses, more “infinite growth”. Also, a company or individual having “an edge” in competition by developing something first is simply waste of resources. Now only they are allowed to improve upon it, make it more efficient, whatever. If this didn’t exist, yea they’d be incentivized less to create it in the first place, but also now everyone could take it and make it better.

    We have to go away from thinking as individuals in the direction of thinking as humanity.

  • If I have absolutely nothing prepared, like I don’t even know anything about the world or the situation the players are in, then I reschedule session 1 ;)

    You almost never have nothing prepared. If I didn’t prepare for a session, it just means whatever was there gets built upon in a more rudimentary way, areas have less detail, characters are more rough, no nice maps, but otherwise everything is exactly the same. The stuff you do in preparation just means that the session will be better. If you don’t prepare, you’ll essentially just do “preparation” on the fly and it’s called improvisation. You don’t do drafts and discard them for something better, you just always go for the first thing that comes to mind.

    So idk, for me, not preparing for a session is pretty simple, I just do everything the same just in less time.

  • I’m sorry, can everyone not read the actual link? They specifically say they are not training generative AIs, i.e. LLMs.

    They are using the data to train non-generative AIs for stuff like emoji and channel suggestions. I.e. “you use this emoji a lot, so it’s displayed first” or “people that are in these channels of yours also join these other channels you’re not in yet”.

    This is class A misinformation being spread here, good job. It’s unbelievable that I’m the first one to actually verify the truth of this post, because I wanted to share it further and that’s what you do before.

  • That’s how it is currently and maybe also your opinion. But that doesn’t mean it has to be like that in a society. It’s your opinion that everything public can go private at any time (training proprietary private AI), but we can decide as a society that’s not how we want to do things. We can require stuff that used public data to be public as well.

    And yeah I kinda get to choose that. As democratic society, anything that the public (i.e. including me) decides, goes. Of course, if there are people like you that don’t want stuff trained on public data to be required to be public, democracy will also work in the sense that we don’t get that, as it is currently.