u/Dalimey (who appropriately identifies as “LAWFUL STUPID” shared a warning from reddit admins issuing their final warning against making the sub NSFW (despite the fact that the users of the sub are in full support). They promised to reply to it with “roll for persuasion or intimidation” if they got 10k upvotes, and here is the result. Outstanding move.
He sounds like a fucking nerd lol
You better give me a stealth check with disadvantage if you’re trying to sneak in here with that username.
Darn I was hoping I’d get a few more angry messages before someone noticed lol.
You look like
Tony Hawk/u/dalimey100.he mods a dnd subreddit.
Hint - check his username
Fucking legend
Glad to see you! Didn’t you say you were the only mod on /r/dndmemes? That must have been rough. Hopefully your stay here or wherever you end is goes well!
I’m not the only mod, there’s a solid group of who chat regularly in a discord, but I am historically the most active (although spicythuder is doing amazing work, if this was a competition they’d be winning rn lol) and do most of the public facing stuff.
So how do you expect it to shake out, btw? Do you think if there’s enough centaur cock on the sub they’ll be forced to let you stay? Are you expecting to get demodded regardless? I’m deeply curious.
“You were good, son, real good. Maybe even the best.” -Soldier from Team Fortress 2
I appreciate what you did, thank you for being such a legend.