Lately ive noticed that i was wanting to do certain things on Windows that just seemed much easier and more intuitive on Linux, based in the OS specific solutions i would see to problems i encountered. And i was more frequently using software where Windows support seemed like an after thought.

A couple days ago i finally sat down and tried to install Mint. The installer didnt recognize my windows partition so it didnt offer any assistance. And a stroke of fate saw my internet connection dieing at the exact same time. Yes, i cant believe it either.

So i decided to live dangerously and just try to wing the installation with no outside help. It seems like creating a second EFI partition was not the right call. The install failed, and I couldn’t get back onto windows.

I wound up just using a live ubuntu image for a few days while i wrestled with repairing the boot loader. I didnt succeed. Eventually i just made a windows recovery disk from my Desktop with an intact copy of windows, and had to reinstall windows.

Then i did manage to successfully install Debian, and ive been having such a great time with it so far. I feel like i probably didnt even need to keep a windows partition, especially since i could have just used my desktop if i REALLY needed windows. I havent had this much fun just using the computer since i was a kid.

    10 months ago

    Linux is great about providing that feeling of discovery. New tools, new processes, new paradigm… It’s the best way to breathe new life into an old piece of hardware.

    If this is your first major step, congratulations! If you’re a regular, great job, keep it up; eventually you’ll be a grey beard with the rest of us.