Here and Here for sources that back up the claims made in this tweet. Additional source for backing up the number of journalists killed in the Vietnam war
The WWII number is ridiculous - are they saying that among the millions of civilians that died, there were only 69 journalists?
The Vietnam number isn’t right either - it counts only journalists on the American side.
Generally when you see someone claim that anything is worse than WWII, they’re not telling the truth. Even the Hamas attack wasn’t as bad as a normal day during that war.
Journalists being killed almost certainly refers to journalists actively reporting on the war, embedded in units, the ones with passes. They are actively linked to orgs so when they die they’re accounted for as a killed journalist.
I think including every single death of a civilian who happened to be a journalist but wasn’t working as one would be too literal an interpretation.
Uh no Israel are the good guys. They told me so.
Yes. And those journalists were probably out to make Israel look bad by using facts.
Israel bombed a press squad last week with all the right equipment and a clearly marked press sign on vehicle near the Lebanese border. There were no other people near them.
The IDF terrorists could easily see from their drone that they were journalists. Yet they still bombed them. These are israeli terror attacks hoping to deter journalist from covering their war crimes.
Also this one nearly missing a squad of journalists is very a clearly Targeted IDF terror attack.
❌ Your 1st source is a “News” website, Qatari funded, called Aljazeera (Fun fact: Hamas leaders are now in refuge in Qatar, and Qatar pays them $ billions paying them). This News website cannot be used as a neutral source:
❌ Your 2nd source doesn’t specify whether it was Israel or Hamas who killed them. There is no proof in the article.
Your post is clearly biased against Israel and cannot be considered a source of truth.
My condolences for all the people hurted from this war.
The US military has a base in Qatar. Does that mean the US military is working for HAMAS ?
Do you have proof that they aren’t ?
We stand firmly with the Israeli people as they defend themselves against the murderous nihilism of Hamas.
Qatar is a key financial backer and ally of the Palestinian militant organization Hamas. Qatar has transferred more than $1.8 billion to Hamas.
Let me know if you need more proof
Half the controversies you linked to are about Al Jazeera journalists who were killed by Israel.
Re: your second point, are you really so naive to think Palestinians kill their own journalists? You can’t even smear Al Jazeera without linking to Israel killing journalists.
Half the controversies you linked to are about Al Jazeera journalists who were killed by Israel.
This is not true, you are misleading and lying.
Palestinians kill their own journalists?
Palestinians don’t kill their own journalists, but Hamas can definitely do it.
Sources of Hamas killing Palestinians:
So this idiotic claim implies that among millions of Jews and millions of Chinese slaughtered there were exactly 69 journalists. Bullshit.
Also if those same “journalists” behave like this medic did where he left injured person lying on the ground and instead took his gun so other person can keep shooting, am not surprised one bit.