The Home Doctor - Practical Medicine for Every Household - is a 304 page doctor written and approved guide on how to manage most health situations when help is not on the way. My mother has been working for one of the largest banks in the EU since before I was born and I’ve always been fascinated by her line of work, especially these last years since I’ve become a programmer myself. I’ve been asked to interview her plenty of times, and finally decided to do so.
What’s your working environment like?
We’ve recently moved to a more “hip” location. We used to have personal desks, but now we have this “pick whatever spot is avaiable” open area. I dislike it a lot.
Lol. Same.
Nice “interview” with funny insights. As former ABAP-programmer (SAP systems) I see lots of familiarities.
Lol. Same.
Nice “interview” with funny insights. As former ABAP-programmer (SAP systems) I see lots of familiarities.