From article:
If you have the Brave Browser installed on your Windows devices, then you may also have Brave VPN services installed on the machine. Brave installs these services without user consent on Windows devices.
More reason to ditch the crypto bro browser.
“In bed with”=takes their money to have their search engine and lets you change it in 30 seconds while being completely open source
I don’t see the problem.
*9 seconds
Fine, for you I’ll do it in 4!
0.980s by using
ydotool key 29:1 20:1 20:0 29:0 -d 0 && ydotool type "about>preferences\n" -d 0 && sleep 0.26 && ydotool type "search engine\t" -d 0 && ydotool key 103:1 103:0 -d 20
Tbf, changing the default search engine probably has the effect that the vast majority of users will stick with it. So, although it is pretty easy for you and me to change the search engine, it still promotes Google quite a lot and thus undermines the independent character of Firefox as a whole.
Absolutely. I would prefer they didn’t have google as the default, but I’d rather have Firefox with good funding and google as default than firefox with very little funding.