• ink@r.nf
    9 months ago

    Telegram not being part of Western Intelligence Toolkit along with facebook, google, apple and others offends people to the extreme, so they make a hill out of moles. P2P is inherently privacy friendly and your IP is most likely going to geolocate to the ISP. Techcrunch seems retarded.

    But do keep up the fearmongering going.

    • fl42v@lemmy.ml
      8 months ago

      Leaking ip’s is meh, however sharing info with feds while mentioning not doing this very thing in their own FAQ is shady AF. Then we have their serverside being proprietary garbage, plus intrusive info collection (like why do they need no know my hostname, device model, desktop environment, etc?). Did I mentioned they started advertising crap based on the channels a user’s subscribed to? Yeah, telegram still sucks when it comes to privacy, and it’s only getting worse over time

    • Skull giver@popplesburger.hilciferous.nl
      9 months ago

      An IP address allows for a targeted DDoS. Streamers used to get DDoS’ed by getting their IP address through Skype. A $5 DDoS can take down a streamer you don’t like for hours or days.

      P2P is not inherently privacy friendly. In fact, it’s inherently less so. That’s why projects like veilid and Tor used multiple routing layers to provide privacy. Various IP geolocation services I’ve tried in the past have been able to get the lookup location right down to street level for some ISPs.

      Maybe your ISP doesn’t publish geolocation info, but that’s not some kind of universal fact. Furthermore, various tracking libraries also sell IP geolocation data (like the shit they shove into ad supported weather apps). They get a rough geolocation from your phone through either the most recent picture you took or the location permissions the containing app already has, and submit that to their server, allowing them to geolocate you even bevind a VPN.

      There’s nothing an unmotivated attacker can do with your IP address to break into your device’s, but basic bullies can make your life pretty shit.