Goulash with Beans or Doom Level?
When the lasagna music kicks in
Now you made me hungry again! Thanks a lot!
Hungry for blood
Lasagna is nice too.
Rip and tear the lasagna
And vengeance!
What a terrible day to have internet.
Where’s Garfield when you need him?
He is right here
Never has your misinfo warning tag been funnier.
Here is response from GPT4o:
Based on the image you provided, here’s a breakdown to determine if each picture is lasagne or a Doom level:
- Top left: Lasagne - You can see the pasta and sauce.
- Top right: Lasagne - The clear layers of pasta and meat sauce are visible.
- Second row, left: Doom level - The landscape and structures resemble a game environment.
- Second row, right: Lasagne - Melting cheese and sauce.
- Third row, left: Lasagne - Close-up of pasta and sauce.
- Third row, right: Doom level - The structures and background are game-like.
- Bottom row, left: Doom level - Characters and action scene from the game.
- Bottom row, right: Lasagne - Close-up of cheese and sauce.
So, the identification from top left to bottom right is: Lasagne, Lasagne, Doom level, Lasagne, Lasagne, Doom level, Doom level, Lasagne.
These captchas are getting out of hand.
Originally I thought this said “Las Vegas or doom level”. I guess I’m thinking of 2040.
Haha I never seen that one.
Ive seen the dog one.
@Potatos_are_not_friends Link? 😯
Chihuahua, or Blueberry Muffin?
One time I said “gore in video games doesn’t look like real violence, it looks like someone disrespected a plate of italian food”
This lasagna or doom level meme always reminds me of that.