So, I made my bootable EndevourOS image. I installed it on my secondary SSD, while I have Win11 on my primary SSD (need it for my job).

When I installed it I booted it up and everything was ok. A bit confusing, but ok.

Wanted to get into Windows again because I needed to work on something for a design (Adobe programs), next thing I know: my computer isn’t recognizing my Windows drive…

It’s there. I can see it on the “disks” app on EndevourOS, I can mount the disk and even see my files in there. But it just won’t boot.

Read the documentation and it mentions an “os-prober”, that I needed to change GRUB_DISABLE_OS_PROBER=false in the etc/default/drub file… I don’t have that file anywhere in my system…

I installed os-prober, nothing. I searched any other folder with a similar name and checked files… The only file with a mention of os-prober is grub.d that says “if GRUB_DISABLE_OS_PROBER=xtrue then random warning”, but that is a set of instructions (i think), not the actual file.

I don’t think I should have tried EOS/Arch when I’ve been learning Linux for only 2 days, can anybody help me with this? Thank you for any answers in advance.

    9 months ago

    Is there an actual difference between those? Is one better than the other or it’s just the OS giving options?

    I am not a power user so I dont know much. From what I gather l, grub is more configurable and also easier to configure but is also more likely to break. Systemd-boot on other hand is more robust from what I read but less configurable and harder to configure. You can do things like set booting into btrfs snapshot using grub that I think you can’t with systemd-boot. Again i am no expert so parts of this might be outdated or wrong. Better to ask a more experienced user