Synology drive doesn’t start on boot even though I have it in my bash script like all my other startup programs which load fine. I get the following debug messages when I run synology-drive from terminal:
debug.message: Cannot find path by key "user_cloud_station_app_path"
debug.message: Cannot find path by key "user_cloud_station_data_path"
debug.message: Cannot find path by key "user_cloud_station_working_dir_path"
debug.message: Cannot find path by key "user_cloud_station_drive_ui_path"
QApplication: invalid style override passed, ignoring it.
Available styles: Windows, Fusion doesn’t say that I need to include anything special in my configuration.nix file for the synology-drive-client. What am I doing wrong? Are these debug message related to why it’s not loading on startup?
Running nixos 24.05 with Hyprland
OMG are you fucking kidding me!!! Your comment got me thinking. So I looked at my desktop to see what I had in the startup command and it was ‘synology-drive autostart’ instead of ‘synology-drive start’. #livinthatlinuxlife #killmenow
Sigh… Thank you!!!