• Alsephina@lemmy.ml
    7 months ago

    The problem is worthless left wing politicians not contributing positive to the nation.

    The problem isn’t a person. It’s class society itself and the capitalist mode of production.

    Both Fascism and Socialism solve the problem of capitalism being in crisis; it always eventually will be, and it currently is in Europe. Fascism “solves” it by fully cementing capitalist rule and removing the veil of bourgeois “democracy”, while Socialism solves it by overthrowing capitalism entirely and establishing proletarian rule.

    The far-right rising again in Europe was always the inevitable consequence of capitalists winning the Cold War and ruthlessly suppressing the Left since. The only other “solution” to the crisis is Fascism.

    • Crampon@lemmy.world
      7 months ago

      A great example of how this class operates. Our foreign minister from the Labour party had to step down due to suspicions of providing her husband with inside information on government contracts to public traded companies. The husband bought stocks and they made some cash.

      The reward for this corruption is a new position as our ambassador to the US. She officially got the job two days ago.

      We have seen this upper class of politicians never having to stand responsible for their actions for some years now. On both sides.

      There’s no wonder people get desperate. The only solution they get provided is using their vote. And when they do use it they get called out for using it the “wrong” way.

      Either the current politicians fix their shit, or the people will topple them. It’s fairly predictable.