• s20@lemmy.ml
    1 year ago

    Here’s the thing, YouTube. When you first started running ads, I didn’t really mind. They were short, there weren’t that many, and if they were particularly annoying or repetitive, there was a skip button. I respected that you needed to make money and that you wanted to pay the content creators, and you respected my time.

    But then you decided to flood the fucking platform and cut the revenue share with the creators. Without adblock, I can’t watch a 5 minute video without 5 minutes of ads. You’re trying to force me into paying for your premium service by annoying me to death.

    Which I might do if I thought the people whose videos I actually like got a decent share of the revenue. But they don’t. Hell, at least one of my favorite YouTubers is regularly demonetized, so they wouldn’t see a penny.

    So, YouTube, I’ll keep blocking ads and use services like Patreon to support my favorite YouTube folks the best I can. And if you won’t let me use adblock? Well, I guess I have to find some other way to occupy that hour or so a week I use your service, because I’m sure as shit not using half of it to watch ads that don’t benefit the people whose videos I enjoy.

    ETA: this post contains hyperbole (https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/hyperbole ).