I’m looking for a YR-DLP GUI for just music, or a good way to access music in general. I had a lidarr-on-steroids instance running but it kept disconnecting from deezer and i’d love to get that back up and running but it looks like it’s not supported any more. Yt-dlp looks like a decent enough plan B, but i’m open to other discussion

  • BrownianMotion@lemmy.dbzer0.com
    10 months ago

    I use Lidarr for most music grabs. spotdl when Lidarr fails to find (which is uncommon since I use usenet). Then I use beets to manage music files https://github.com/beetbox/beets .

    I have beets setup to run as a cron every 10 min, and it looks in the location that nzbget downloads to, and it automatically converts, fixes ID3s via musicbrainz db, and moves the completed files to my music section. Anything that beets doesnt see as a 95% match, I then manually run the script and choose the correct musicbrainz ID for the band/album.