“Introducing the X Engine (XE) - the free-speech, anti-woke gaming engine formerly known as Unity! To show our dedication to anti-wokeness we will only allow String and Long variable types, and to show my dedication to being a free-speech edgelord, functions will now be referred to as fucktions. Professional access to XE will be $420.69 monthly, with additional fees added on based on the success of the product you created.”
Luckily he’s just an interim CEO.
Until we welcome the next CEO: Elon Musk
“Introducing the X Engine (XE) - the free-speech, anti-woke gaming engine formerly known as Unity! To show our dedication to anti-wokeness we will only allow String and Long variable types, and to show my dedication to being a free-speech edgelord, functions will now be referred to as fucktions. Professional access to XE will be $420.69 monthly, with additional fees added on based on the success of the product you created.”
You know what, I’m all for it. Nothing would sink Unity faster than whatever they pulled last than to appoint Elon.
Followed by Oracle CEO next?