I’m wondering at what point if any would I give up when it comes to privacy, obviously I’ve been overseas from australia (which is bad in itself for internet surveillance) but at least here our laws in terms of discrimination and rights are good in comparison to say, china or the uae.

should it be reasonable for me to bring a different phone or try to remove any or all personal/identifiable information from my current one beforehand?

Is it also reasonable for me to pay for more private cloud storage or would it be completely useless? if so, are there any options you would recommend?

Or maybe I am freaking out? I managed to visit the UAE and didn’t even think about privacy, and nothing bad seemed to happen.

  • appel@whiskers.bim.boats
    1 year ago

    YES you should not bring any technological devices with you. In fact it is better to abstain from digital systems for a period of 3 months before entering and after leaving China. (Viruses, etc)

    DO NOT think your anus is safe. I had a friend who tried to smuggle in 3tb of Xi Jinping x Winnie the Pooh fanfics by encrypting it with AES-1024 and storing it on micro SD cards in his rectum. Little did he know, that day they had started doing mandatory anus probes on all foreigners. They found it. They cracked the encryption in a few minutes due to Chinese quantum supremacy and needless to say, he was executed on spot.

    DO NOT think about the CPC. They have theta-brainwave detectors at the border and can detect revisionist and counter-revolutionary thoughts. Especially if you have any information that could lead to the downfall of the CPC.

    Seriously though, what are you expecting to happen? What privacy are you expecting to lose? What laws for discrimination are you expecting to be missing?

    When you travel internationally you already lose some privacy in that they have your passport. You are telling them exactly who you are, and where you came from. Some countries will take fingerprint scans (US, China too). Those are pretty big but are not specific to China. You should disable biometrics on your phone though, as that means they cannot force you to unlock it. But regarding the tech on your phone, if you are using any google or meta services, then all your privacy is already gone and Chinese authorities can just buy that information if they want. So I’m not sure exactly what you’re worried about, some specifics might be useful.

    It would also help to know what you want the cloud storage for. They can’t suddenly hack into all of your accounts the moment you cross the border. If you already have sensible security steps like strong passwords and MFA in place, then I don’t see what else you’d need to do.

      • appel@whiskers.bim.boats
        1 year ago

        A noble ideal, but that should be the case regardless of where you’re going ;)

        Then the same rules apply, Use different identities that have no connection to each other at all (none of the same information, email, usernames, phone numbers etc) on my phone I like to have “real” stuff separated into a different profile. If you are worried about a search then you can log out of all your real or fake stuff, depending on what you want to be seen. (I’m assuming the fake stuff should be hidden seeing as they will have your passport). You may even want to clear data for those applications or uninstall them.