I can home and found a mark on each side of his face, thought a dog had attacked him, or something. Today I cleaned it again and noticed a perfectly round hole on the right side, in the middle of all the stained fur, and what looked like an exit wound on the other side.

UPDATE: I took my cat to a 24/7 vet and they thought it might be a cat bite. They offered to sedate him, clean the wound, and then give antibiotics, but they quoted me a price that could be over $2,000 at most. I’m strapped for cash until pay day. The past two months have been a little tough with expenses. I opted for a $103 antibiotic and a $75 visit fee, which was their second proposed option.

UPDATE: I have made a PayPal Fundraiser. I went against my own concerns for privacy here, since PayPal won’t allow me to hide my name. I worry that the more cruel commenters will somehow attack me. I’m going to have to take that risk, in order to fundraiser for Blue’s medical treatment, though. It is what it is. I am so grateful for all the kind people who messaged me and offered to help financially. I feel so bad asking for help this way, but it will definitely help me to obtain treatment for him before payday. Here is the link, if anyone feels like helping. I don’t know the exact cost for it at the local vet, so I posted a goal that corresponds to the estimate given by the 24 hour vet, as a worst case scenario. Anything helps!


ANOTHER UPDATE: I applied some ointment to his face this morning on the RIGHT side, and applying pressure caused FLUID TO EXPEL IMMEDIATELY from the LEFT side. Call me crazy, but I have trouble believing this is a cat bite.

In response to people calling me a bad cat owner for letting my cat be outside, I need to clarify something for you. This wasn’t my cat until this injury occurred. I live with an elderly relative who just had a stroke. He began putting this cat outside, after he adopted him from a local shelter. I feed the cat everyday and have began calling it my cat, because I live here, too, and now handle many of his responsibilities. The cat will now be an indoor only cat, just like my own personal cats were, when I owned my own home and wasn’t caring for family.

I will post pictures from the veterinary clinic when I take him for the remainder of his treatment. If the fundraiser reaches its goal today, or tomorrow, I will take him to the 24 hour vet, again.

UPDATE: I was denied for Care Credit today.

VIDEO from the emergency vet’s office, taken on 04/19/2024. Blue kept purring through the whole ordeal, despite his injuries. https://youtube.com/shorts/my9pSGAzvMA?si=Re5U5qpBZ_8lqRxY

UPDATE: The Fundraiser has passed $1300 so far. Blue’s face is not oozing as much from the wounds, as it previously observed. My goal is to take him to a local vet tomorrow for treatment. I hope they can offer me a lower quote than the $2238.60 that was quoted by the 24 hour vet. Thank you to everyone who has helped so far! If you haven’t helped yet, but would like to do so, please visit the PayPal link to find the fundraiser. Thank you all!

UPDATE: 04/22/2024 I am currently at the local veterinary hospital with Blue. The vet just examined him and said that it could possibly be a BB. She wants to check with an X-ray of his skull. She also wants to rule out any tooth access, but noted that one side looked infected and the other did not, which could be a result of the infection above, working its way down to his jaws after being shot, or possibly attacked. I am taking photo and video. I will try to get a picture of his skull X-ray after she returns.

  • ParabolicMotion@lemmy.worldOP
    2 months ago

    What? My cats just go outside so they won’t go stir crazy in the house for too long. How is it cruel to let them go outside during parts of the day?

    • FollyDolly@lemmy.world
      2 months ago

      I live on a hobby farm, and my cats are indoor outdoor. Stuff like this happens. It’s life. After I read the Cat Who Cried for Help I made a choice not to deprive my cats of the enitre outside world. Also I need them to keep the rodents down. This isn’t your fault. Cats are gonna cat. If you believe keeping your cats inside is a good choice for you than by all means do so, but don’t hate on poeple who make diffrent choices.

    • Hiro8811@lemmy.world
      2 months ago

      For some reasons people think cats should stay inside no matter what, which I think its cruelty forcing an animal inside. It’s true that leaving them outside exposes hem to risks but they have lived alongside humans for a short period of time, they should still have most of their instincts.

      • ParabolicMotion@lemmy.worldOP
        2 months ago

        I feel the same way. Mine don’t hunt birds, and every so often they need some fresh air. I realize not everyone agrees.

      • yeahiknow3@lemmy.world
        2 months ago

        Cats absolutely decimate populations of small fauna. They’re an ecological disaster. Either keep your cat indoors or don’t get one. You are not entitled to own a living creature; it’s a privilege which needs to be exercised with consideration.

        I love cats. I wish I could have more of them, but I don’t, because I’m not a worthless asshole.

        • ParabolicMotion@lemmy.worldOP
          2 months ago

          I live on a large piece of land that has nothing around it. The cats never leave our front yard. Cats lived outside for centuries. In fact, one site reported that cats have lived outside for 10,000 years, before being domesticated. They are part of nature, too. They shouldn’t be on some kind of pet house arrest just because they are also part of the food chain.

          • kurwa@lemmy.world
            2 months ago

            Next thing this guy is going to advocate for is letting your dogs out the front door lol. If you want your cat to live longer and not get horribly injured then you shouldn’t let them outside. But I guess you think that okay.

          • yeahiknow3@lemmy.world
            2 months ago

            Nobody is denying that cats are wild animals. That is not relevant. The point is that they are uniquely capable hunters who can unilaterally exterminate the small fauna in a region.

            I mean maybe your cat in particular is lazy and doesn’t hunt, but most cats do, and you’re welcome to google the well researched ecological results.

            • ParabolicMotion@lemmy.worldOP
              2 months ago

              My cats haven’t killed anything. They’re older, and like to lay around all day. They walk in the front yard, poop somewhere, and then typically go back to bed. The vet asked me to estimate my male cat’s age, and I said, “probably 10.” We adopted him full grown, and he is probably older. These are not a couple of cats that hunt things around the area.

              • yeahiknow3@lemmy.world
                2 months ago

                My cat is old, too, and he mostly doesn’t kill anything when I let him in the backyard. But that is not the norm for most cats, and people need to be aware.

    • FiniteBanjo@lemmy.today
      2 months ago

      I didn’t ask for your excuses, but if you feel so inclined maybe you could lay it all out for us in a book and title it “Mein Catmpf”

        • ParabolicMotion@lemmy.worldOP
          2 months ago

          This guy is the reason I’d like to have kids look into IP addresses of certain guys that comment on my posts, or reply to my comments. I know it sounds odd, by I truly do fear an ex boyfriend of mine, who happened to buy his father an expensive banjo just before we split apart. He showed up at my house with a trunk full of guns and ammo, saying he wanted to talk to me alone, after our break up, years ago. My parents turned him away because he seemed angry. I have had my house broken into, been given death threats, and even run out of jobs since then. When someone makes an unwarranted attack against me in a comment, I just want the mods to see if it’s the same guy, with the same IP address, following my account and verbally abusing me.

          • CTDummy@lemm.ee
            2 months ago

            People being arseholes on the internet and people downvoting the most mundane shit on these type of sites is not exactly rare unfortunately. That aside though, having briefly read through your post history I think considering seeing a mental health professional might be a good idea. If for no other reason than the stress of your concerns or the stress of a pet being injured.

            • ParabolicMotion@lemmy.worldOP
              2 months ago

              You went through all of my past posts, which is basically stalking my account. No offense, but I think you need the mental help.

          • Poplar?@lemmy.world
            2 months ago

            If you look at the other replies, you’ll see people politely explaining. You didnt have to make these rude replies.

    • Jaytreeman@kbin.social
      2 months ago

      There’s lots of ways to do that safely.
      Catios are a thing.
      My partner has fostered multiple cats and now has two. The older one has seen some shit and appreciates being a housecat. She has zero interest in going outside, but she feels safe basking in the small catio while we have a hot drink on the patio.
      Maybe in your very specific case it’s OK for the cats to be outside because you have some type of electric fence to keep the coyotes or foxes out. This is very similar to dogs on a leash. The general rule is keep them on a leash. But one in a thousand dog owners has trained their remarkable pup to not need the leash. I’ve seen it, but the rule is dog on a leash for the 999 of us.

    • kurwa@lemmy.world
      2 months ago

      Cats can easily get hurt or die by being outside. They can get hit by cars, attacked by other animals, attacked by people. They could eat something poisonous, especially by people who put out poison for animals.

      You could give them stuff to play with inside, and if you want, take them outside with your supervision.

      Clearly your cat wouldn’t have been hurt if they were never outside.

      • ParabolicMotion@lemmy.worldOP
        2 months ago

        Unfortunately, I have had cats be hurt inside, by each other, because they become so stressed being cooped up in a small dwelling together. That’s what I was also trying to avoid.

        • kralk@lemm.ee
          2 months ago

          Sorry to join the pile-on but maybe this is helpful information. You need to catify your house! Cat superhighway! More litter boxes! Scratching posts!

        • kurwa@lemmy.world
          2 months ago

          It sounds like you have cats that just don’t get along. If there’s a possibility of your cats maming each other, it sounds like they shouldn’t be together.

          • ParabolicMotion@lemmy.worldOP
            2 months ago

            They tolerate each other, but they definitely don’t love each other. They haven’t attacked each other. They just act stressed when they’re made to stay inside all day together. They start pooping in places that the other one likes to go, even if the litter box is clean. One uses it, and then it’s like the other one goes and poops somewhere else out of spite. They hate sharing the litter box. The female hates sharing a food dish with him, it seems, too.