Look at this little motherfucker. He’s so fucking cute I want to carry it on my shoulder everywhere. This lil’ shit’s gonna be climbing on your jeans and you’re gonna love every damn second of it.
Shit, I want to take a Gods damned nap with this little motherfucker on my belly. Move something under the bedsheets and watch it go apeshit.
Orr… take a nap together and wake up with that little head stuck in your mouth trying to find out where that rumbling sound is coming from. Will go on for months until that head is too big to fit in your mouth
Gonna give that asshole some hatescritches
Calm down there, Bubbles…
Awww, what a cute loaf
Sooooooo cute!! Looks so soft!!!
Floofy baby!
That face, though, says “feelin’ cute right now, but zoomies in 3… 2… 1…”
It looks exaxtly like my cat. But its so cute!!
Enjoy that beauty while they’re still in kittenhood. They grow up so fast!