I’ll be doing a workshop in a few weeks, and I wanna raise awareness about predatory lootbox paytowin games. I wanna play live, an easy to start playing and understand game, that is so sneaky and predatory that some kid would very easily buy some microtransaction or lootbox without even realizing what they just did.

Basically I wanna play it like “Ohhh, look at this game, looks so fun, oh, what is this? more gems? lets see, Nooooo!!! I just bought a microtransaction, I won’t be able to eat for a month”

Do you have some recommendation for that purpose?

  • Nunya@lemdro.id
    9 months ago

    Another factor is how addictive the game is designed to be. A quick search led me to https://www.video-game-addiction.org/what-makes-games-addictive.html which covers some of the things. For example:

    Games that hook players are often designed to be just difficult enough to be truly challenging, while allowing players to achieve small accomplishments that compel them to keep playing. In that respect, the design of video games is similar to the design of gambling casinos, which will allow players to have small “wins” that keep them playing.>

    Going over addictive design elements like this can at least let people be more aware of why they keep wanting to play.