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Kobo announces its first color e-readers
cross-posted from: https://lemmy.ml/post/14277930
Kobo announces its first color e-readers
I use a kobo libra 2 with calibre and it’s great. If you buy a kobo either make sure you really like it or buy it from Amazon. Their customer service is absolutely horrible.
That’s kinda hilarious. Buying a product from its own competitor.
I had a good experience with their customer service.
My Kobo bricked a few days after the warranty expired (it’s possible I broke it installing koreader improperly or something) and they replaced it no problem.
Took a few weeks but I was happy they replaced it at all.
I’m glad you did! I ordered a device from them and wanted to return it and it took multiple chats over multiple days (maybe weeks?) to get it done. Was quite a headache.
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