If I sort a multicommunity by ‘Hot’, it will show all posts from community 1, then all posts by community 2, etc… kind of defying the purpose of a multicommunity at all. I solved it by sorting by ‘New’ instead, but I figured I’d mention it here because it took me a while to notice - I thought people were not making new posts at all, while in fact, it was just displaying all posts by a lowly populated community first.
This is just notes for me.
Lemmy server’s calculate hot rank score (used for Hot sort order) as:
hours_diff = (now - publish_time_ms) / 3600 if (hours_diff > 0 && hours_diff < 168) { hot_rank = log(max(2, score + 2)) / pow((hours_diff + 2), 1.8) } else { hot_rank = 0 }
hot active score (used for Active sort order) as:
newest_comment_time_necro = min(newest_comment_time, two_days_ms) hours_diff = (now - newest_comment_time_necro) / 3600 if (hours_diff > 0 && hours_diff < 168) { hot_active_rank = log(max(2, score + 2)) / pow((hours_diff + 2), 1.8) } else { hot_active_rank = 0 }
scaled score (used for Scaled sort order) as:
hot_rank / log(2 + MAU)
controversy rank (used for Controversal sort order) as:
if (downvotes == 0 || upvotes == ) { rank = 0 } else { rank = (upvotes + downvotes) * min(upvotes, downvotes) / max(upvotes, downvotes) }