Chirp-chirp-chirp. Pleasing to the ears, but clearly signifies your cat’s desire to murder. 6/10
Hork hork hork. Grab some paper towels, you get to clean up a hairball. Maybe it won’t be on your shoes this time. 0/10One of our cats goes into “poor, unloved kitty” mode sometimes. It’s a long mrrrroooowww that makes you think he’s feeling all of the sadness in the world.
It’s like, “Dude, we’re upstairs. Come up and cuddle with us.” (We work from home, and our offices are upstairs.)
We also used to have a female gray tabby that was a sound engineer. She’d find the places in the house that would echo her meows the loudest and let loose there. The house is so quiet since she passed, and we have other cats and a dog. On conference calls, it was much more likely you’d hear her than the dog or the other cats. (The dog has a louder bark, but he rarely uses it.)
Aww, poor drama cat. Mine sometimes wakes up crying, like she’s had a nightmare. You have to pat her calm again, then she goes back to sleep.
Cat is in heat. Will not shut up. God’s punishment for not getting your cat fixed. -8000000/10