The updates in this version have been revolving around 3 areas:

  • community management: you’ll be able to save images in community-specific directories, override sort type for specific communities and filter posts inside communities;
  • explore screen: you can now search for Lemmy handles referring to communities, a bug has been solved while refreshing the explore screen (once every 2 times it gave no results);
  • UI improvements: drop downs have now a material design style, the advanced settings screen has now section headers, bar colors have been improved, etc.

More detailed changelog on GitHub. Stay tuned, before next Monday I’ll be sharing the planning for week 3.

  • Dieguito 🦝@feddit.itOPM
    4 months ago

    Mhm, ok… that new mod wants to make my life difficult: spoilers containing tables containing inline images. What else does he want to embed? The MD rendering of Raccoon has some limitations but I don’t want to switch back to Markwon like Jerboa. For now images in that post will not load. Temporary fix here.