My favorite games are Omori, Disco Elysium and Outer Wilds. I cried for hours at the end of those games, and I think the common point in them is high-quality emotional writing and stellar OST (music really affect me) and my attachment to the characters.
I also found that my taste in movies was similar (Hana-bi by Takeshi Kitano is my favorite movie)
I’ve been trying to find something similar, so has anybody any recommendation?
I’d like to add that I basically hated Nier Automata (way too pretentious imo) and Before your Eyes (I wasn’t a fan of the game concept, and found the story pretty weak), and really loved the horror aspects of Omori.
I also heard about To the moon, but games talking about disease are hard for me to enjoy

    4 months ago

    I am into emotional storytelling as well, I think what gets you involved most are well drawn characters.

    I would recommend planescape torment for an epic adventure full of stories, characters and heartbreak.

    Really good stories/characters are few and far between in computer games but “The longest journey” comes to mind and even the first Witcher game.

    Unavowed comes to mind as well as a rather affecting story.

    And a couple of dozen books, but that’s not what you asked for…