• Dasus@lemmy.world
    7 months ago

    Worker-controlled economic system

    “Worker-controlled” isn’t a requirement.

    Socialism is wheb and the government owns or regulates the means of production.

    Which brings me to your “B”.

    No, we Nordics aren’t “capitalist systems with strong welfare policies”.

    We’re socialist nations with strong market economies. Market economies =/= capitalism.

    We have stronger regulation of the means of production. We’re also social-democrats which is a school within socialism.*

    • TimeSquirrel@kbin.social
      7 months ago

      There are specific definitions and I’m sticking to them. If your economy has capitalists controlling companies with workers trading their labor for a wage underneath them, then it is capitalist, full stop.

      Unless your economy is full of co-ops or something. I don’t know the common typical structure for a nordic company.

      • Dasus@lemmy.world
        7 months ago

        You haven’t even read a single “basic definition” my man.

        Here’s one :



        Definitions from Oxford Languages


        noun a political and economic theory of social organization which advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned OR REGULATED by the community as a whole.

        If your economy has capitalists controlling companies with workers trading their labor for a wage underneath them, then it is capitalist, full stop.

        Youre refusing (or unable, lol) to understand that “capitalism” does not equal market economies.

        Selling things doesn’t mean capitalism. Trading goods doesn’t mean capitalism. Owning a company doesn’t mean capitalism. Having companies with workers doesn’t mean capitalism.

        Jesus fucking God I’m tired of explaining concepts that my 8 year old niece could google and learn by her self in five minutes

        “unless you have a planned economy you’re not socialist”

        Yeah, exactly the point I’m making. Brainwashed morons think socialism means full planked economy, when it’s no such thing.

        Fucking spend 2 min on Google, is it so much to ask?


        Fucking perpetuating shitty 70’s red scare propaganda mf sides are hurting.

        • TimeSquirrel@kbin.social
          7 months ago

          I said nothing about a planned economy, now you’re putting words in my mouth.

          Ever hear of libertarian socialism?

          • Dasus@lemmy.world
            7 months ago

            “I never said anything about a planned ecnoomy”

            Unless your economy is full of co-ops or something. I don’t know the common typical structure for a nordic company.

            You’re really pretending that talkign about cooperatives isn’t referring to communism? What are you, 12?

            And what, you think co-ops didn’t have hierarchies?

            What the fuck are you smoking, because I want to be equally fucked up.

              • Dasus@lemmy.world
                7 months ago

                How am I “gaslighting” you?

                You literally said “Unless your economy is full of co-ops or something [it’s not socialist]”.

                You’re referring to the collectives of the Soviet union. A distinct feature of PLANNED ECONOMIES.

                “I never anything about a planned economy.”

                Yes, you did. And now you’re pretending you didn’t. Like pretending reality isn’t what it actually is. Trying to convince me something that happened didn’t happen. Is there a word for behaving like that…?

                • TimeSquirrel@kbin.social
                  7 months ago

                  Why do you think a co-op can only ever possibly exist in an authoritarian soviet type system? My power company is a co-op.

                  Here, I’ll help you:


                  Nothing in there except a tiny blurb about the Soviet Union as far as I can see. A soviet “worker’s council” is not a cooperative.

                  • Dasus@lemmy.world
                    7 months ago

                    And where exactly do you live? Is it a socialist state, then?

                    Don’t pretend like you weren’t implying Soviet style collectives.

    • bouh@lemmy.world
      7 months ago

      How is fascism in your country btw? Seems that capitalism has it fine to me.

    • Cowbee [he/him]@lemmy.ml
      7 months ago


      Socialism is Worker Ownership of the Means of Production.

      The Nordic Countries are in fact Social Democracies, not Socialist Democracies. Social Democracy is Capitalist in nature.

      • Dasus@lemmy.world
        7 months ago

        Wrong wrong and wrong.

        Honestly, why won’t you do 30s of Googling to check what you’re saying?

        Communism is when the state owns the economy and you have a planned economy.

        Socialism is the ownership OR regulation of the means of production.

        Yes. We are social democracies.

        But no, social democracies aren’t capitalist, dingdong. Let’s look at the very first sentence here:


        #Social democracy is a political, social, and economic philosophy within socialism[1]


        You’re just conflating market economies and capitalism, like I already explained

        • Cowbee [he/him]@lemmy.ml
          7 months ago

          Your greatest source is misinterpreting a line in Wikipedia? You think that means your Capitalism is actually Socialism despite relying on Capitalism, because the welfare net is larger? Lmao

          • Dasus@lemmy.world
            7 months ago

            “I refuse to look or acknowledge any data on the subject, so I’m correct”

            Is the little kiddo having to backpedal and ignore the facts because he made a bit of a boo-boo in his rhetoric?

            Please do elaborate on how I misunderstood something such as: “Social democracy is a political, social, and economic philosophy within socialism” to mean what it says. Im sure you’ve a really good reasoning on how it ACTUALLY means that “social democracy is a political, social, and economic philosophy within capitalism”

            • Cowbee [he/him]@lemmy.ml
              7 months ago

              Your data is Wikipedia. That’s it. Read perhaps any Socialist literature and you’re immediately debunked.

              If Social Democracy was truly under Socialism, then the Workers of your country would own the Means of Production.

              A more accurate reading of what you are claiming is that Social Democracy takes influence from Marxism while rejecting the conclusions and thus the necessity for Socialism, instead relying on Capitalism.

              Tell me, plainly, how you can have Socialism with Capitalists and Capitalism. Or, does Nestlé not exist in the Nordic Countries?

              • Dasus@lemmy.world
                7 months ago

                “yOuR dAtA iS wIkIPeDiA”

                No, it isn’t.

                Here’s my source: Eatwell & Wright 1999, pp. 80–103; Newman 2005, p. 5; Heywood 2007, pp. 101, 134–136, 139; Ypi 2018; Watson 2019.

                Want to go and read those books? No? I’m schocked.

                The information from those books is listed on Wikipedia, yes. Are you so childish that you’ll now pretend “you can’t find real information on wikipedia”?

                Weirdly enough, you don’t have ANY sources for the things you pull out of your arse. Almost as if you didn’t know what you were talking about and didn’t HAVE any sources for your faulty claims, because like I said, you’ve conflated market economies and capitalism and think socialism equals communism, because you don’t understand communism is just one form of socialism.

                “How can you have socialism with capitalism”

                Since I’ve already explained you keep conflating “capitalism” with “market economies”, the question is then translated into “tell me, plainly, how can you have socialism and market economies”, for which the answer is really quite simple for anyone literate. However, since you also conflate “socialism” with “communism”, then the question becomes “how can you have communism with market economies”, to which the answer is “you can’t, since communism relies on planned economies instead of market economies”.

                That’s where your confusion comes from.

                Due to our good regulations because of our social demoractic, well governed economies, capitalist companies can participate, but they can’t do the shenanigans they can do in less regulated markets. The degree of regulation is the question. Even the US doesn’t have “pure” capitalism. Things like the antitrust laws are by definition socialist policies, but this doesn’t mean the US is socialist in any way. It just means even they understand the necessity of regulation over “pure” capitalism, because “pure” capitalism is unsustainable as it leads to monopolies which then kill the economy.

                This is why for example I can actually drink my tapwater and eat raw eggs that don’t even have to be refrigerated. This is why the quality of all products here is higher, and why it’s more expensive for companies like Nestle to try their bullshit here, which is why they mostly aim for developing countries. To avoid the regulation that comes with properly functioning social democracy.

                • Cowbee [he/him]@lemmy.ml
                  7 months ago

                  If Socialism is Capitalism with more regulations, is the United States Socialist too? It has plenty of regulations, more than Social Democracies do in many areas, in fact. Are you going to tell me that every country is actually Socialist if it doesn’t have a laissez Faire Capitalist economy, even if it uses Capitalism as the primary mode of production?

                  You want a source? Marx’s Capital. Read it, you might learn something, even if accidentally.

                  Social Democracy absolutely takes influence from Marxism, that’s perhaps what the source you list may be referring to, however the place where Social Democrats fight with Socialists on is Social Democrats believe Capitalism can be harnessed and benefited from, instead of needing to transition to a worker owned economy.

                  I am not confusing Capitalism with markets, again, Wikipedia defines Market Socialism as a market based economy of competing worker-owned entities. Your own source, against you! Ha.

                  Similarly, I am not confusing Socialism with Communism. Communism is a Post-Socialist society, one that is Stateless, Classless, and Moneyless. Communism is indeed one form of Socialism, as is Syndicalism, as is Anarchism, as is Council Communism, as is Market Socialism.

                  Please, stop making a fool of yourself.

                  • Dasus@lemmy.world
                    7 months ago

                    If Socialism is Capitalism with more regulations, is the United States Socialist too?

                    Not a bad question, if you’re honestly looking for conversation, but I get a feeling you’re trying a “gotcha” more than asking in good faith.

                    It’s more or less like sexuality; a spectrum more than anything black-and-white, even when people usually speak of it as either or (or “a mix of” = bi).

                    “Pure” capitalism doesn’t exist anywhere. It’s never even been tried as much as communism. Well, not in a developed, civilized world. What I mean by that is by the time that any sort of currency has become a thing, there’s also been regulation, even if not written. “Pure” capitalism would mean large, completely unregulated markets. There’s just no such thing, nor ever has been. Because capitalism is by it’s nature self-defeating. The competition which puts profit over anything means that the one who profits most, by any means necessary, will win and get to establish a monopoly that will then dry the market completely out.

                    Which is why the US, despite being so obviously politically and economically (having such few regulations and worker protections for a supposedly developed nation) capitalist, has things like a minimum wage (more or less) and antritrust laws. Because they help keep the capitalism from eating itself to death.

                    You want a source? Marx’s Capital. Read it, you might learn something, even if accidentally.

                    Nice try, but you haven’t, that’s quite obvious.

                    Also, laissez-faire is essentially “without intervention”, when we all know that companies wield just a megaton of political power in the US and interfere in politics constantly, in order to keep free of regulation.

                    “Takes influence from Marxism”

                    And which economic school of thought hasn’t been influenced by Marx in some way or another? Since you say you’ve read “Das Kapital”, you obviously didn’t forget who came up with the term “capitalism”? Wouldn’t — arguably — taking a name for your school of thought be counted as “being influenced by”? (No, I’m not being serious, I’m doing the same sort of gotcha-shit you did in to showcase you how silly it is.)

                    I’m still waiting on you to elaborate on how I “misunderstood” this sentence:

                    Social democracy is a political, social, and economic philosophy within socialism" (sourced from Eatwell & Wright 1999, pp. 80–103; Newman 2005, p. 5; Heywood 2007, pp. 101, 134–136, 139; Ypi 2018; Watson 2019.)

                    Or you know, for you to source any of your hilarious bullshit