Sound on to hear her statements. As always with German translation

Ton an, um ihre Kommentare zu hören.

1st act: First inspection of the new way up. She isn’t too happy about the fact that she cannot directly jump from climbing position onto the board as she was used to in my old apartment

Erster Akt: Erstinspektion des neuen Weges nach oben. Sie ist nicht ganz zufrieden damit, dass sie nicht direkt aus der Kletterposition auf das Brett springen kann, wie sie es in meiner alten Wohnung gewohnt war

2nd act: She learns she can misuse the new way up as a lazy way down

Zwoter Akt: Sie lernt, dass sie den neuen Aufweg auch als faulen Weg nach unten missbrauchen kann

3rd act: She now always uses the lazy way down

Dritter Akt: Sie nutzt nun ausschließlich den faulen Weg runter

4th act: I set up a longer pole, both to accomodate her desire for jumping from pole to board as well as prevent her from being too lazy. She is VERY unhappy about the latter fact. Betrayal!

Vierter Akt: Ich habe einen längeren Pfosten angebracht. Zum einen, damit sie ihren gewohnten schnelleren Sprung nach oben nehmen kann. Zum anderen, um sie davon abzuhalten zu faul zu werden. Letzteres missfällt ihr SEHR. Betrug!

5th act: Begrudgingly she takes the longer way down

Fünfter Akt: Mosernd nimmt sie den langen Weg nach unten

6th act: She now understands the positive aspect of the change

Sechster Akt: Sie versteht nun die positive Seite der Änderung

Edit: Formatting, typo.

    8 个月前

    I feel like those wall supports on the pole are prime for some kind of cat shelf. Complete with plants and vases and stuff to knock off.

    (too bad it’d probably get in the way of using the pole.)

    • slevinkelevra@sh.itjust.worksOP
      8 个月前

      I was actually considering this, but only at the very top of the first post as an easy access to a then attached round hammock. Your comment in brackets is exactly the reason why I didn’t do it. I now attached the hammock to the board on the other side

        8 个月前

        Oh, I’m sure there’s other places to put things that can be knocked down for Miez’s amusement.

        The shelf run looks nice! (and Meiz is stunning.)

        • slevinkelevra@sh.itjust.worksOP
          8 个月前

          She’s actually not one of those cats. She even tries to jump down with some toys in her mouth instead of just knocking them down.

          Thanks, they’re actually not finished yet. I wanna round the edges and oil them. I love the red color of the beech that comes out then. (and I’ll cuddle her from you)

    8 个月前

    Wish I could give a second upvote for the Futurama segment on the television.

    8 个月前

    For all Miez knows, many or most human homes come standard equipped with cat walls :P

    Her different meows sound so different, which is expected but still neat to me. The “Hey, what’s up?” meow at the end of the 3rd video sounds so different from the “I don’t understand what to do next, please help” meows in videos 4 and 5.

    I like it when she climbs the pole and halfway up uses it to scratch her head. It’s neat seeing her cognitively process and learn the environment.

    I think from a human perspective cats are really blind; they can see movement better than we can (for hunting), but they can’t look across a room and identify things like we can and do. I thought of this when you were helping Miez navigate the parallel bars (monkey bars) with tapping and maybe touching the next bar. Then, after she jumped across one, I think she recognized the structure as one she had encountered before, as she made the second jump and the next jump quite quickly.

    Has she mastered the jump from the wooden platform to the monkey bars (or vice versa)? That seems like it might be the most challenging manoeuvre at the moment due the platform being kind of shallow from the wall and maybe not much friction on the wood