If lemmy.world finds this, please tell my starving children that I love them.

  • mydude@lemmy.world
    5 months ago

    Here are the rules in Norway from our FHI.


    Vaksinasjon er frivillig All vaksinasjon i Norge er frivillig. Personer som anbefales eller ber om vaksine må få tilstrekkelig informasjon om fordeler og ulemper ved vaksinering til å kunne ta et informert valg. Det skal også være åpenhet om usikkerhet og kunnskap som mangler.

    Translate it and see for yourself.

    If you are to the left of someone, and they are not informed, they will call you right-wing.

      • mydude@lemmy.world
        5 months ago

        I thought I would be nicer to you than I was to the previous guy I answered. I wrote; “Translate it and weep”. Here is the translation;

        Vaccination is voluntary. All vaccination in Norway is voluntary. People who are recommended or ask for a vaccine must be given sufficient information about the advantages and disadvantages of vaccination to be able to make an informed choice. There must also be openness about uncertainty and possible lack of knowledge.

          • mydude@lemmy.world
            5 months ago

            “its easy to think it might be leftist, but the intent behind it was absolutely far-right.”

            I provided an example of a far-left, very articulate answer to refute this. If i were you, I would stop and reflect on this.

            I cannot make you care, only you can do that.

            • Cowbee@lemmy.ml
              5 months ago

              You gave an example of people saying a thing. That doesn’t make it leftist or not.

              • mydude@lemmy.world
                5 months ago

                “You gave an example of people saying a thing. That doesn’t make it leftist or not.”

                I gave you a quote from Norways FHI (equivalent to USA HHS), citing the rules of, “My body, my choice”, proving that the most leftist stance is to have FULL bodily autonomy without any vaccine cut-outs. Norway is to the left of USA, certainly regarding these rules.

                There are no if’s or but’s about this, I don’t think you can get this any clearer than these words: “Vaccination is voluntary. All vaccination in Norway is voluntary. People who are recommended or ask for a vaccine must be given sufficient information about the advantages and disadvantages of vaccination to be able to make an informed choice. There must also be openness about uncertainty and possible lack of knowledge.”

                It’s directly from their fhi.no official government webpage.

                Those are my arguments that “My body, my choice” is as far left as you come.

                I can add that we have a cut-out for this rule. The only way a doctor can over step the wishes of his patient is if the patient actively pursues actions that will result in intentionally self harm. And no, this does not include a person not taking vaccinations.

                • Cowbee@lemmy.ml
                  5 months ago

                  No, lol. Leftism is about worker ownership of the Means of production and a general rejection of unjust hierarchy. A leftist group saying something does not mean that thing is leftist.